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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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UFO Cover Up

Human elites know there are advanced life forms (ALF’s) who visit or interact with Earth. This is hidden from the majority of people. Possible reasons or factors for cover-up are:

  1. ALF’s can defeat human militaries.

    (Human “modern” military technology is still at the Cave Man level compared to ALF’s who visit and interact with Earth, and this after humans spend many TRILLIONS of dollars, rubles, marks, pounds and francs on it.)

  2. Ignorance is comfortable.

    (This is how human elites stay in power. Knowledge as TRUTH is power.)

  3. Value systems would be changed.

    (A heavily materialistic value system would oppose ALF’s who thrive and survive without money and materialistic physical items and services.)

  4. Prestige would be lost.

    (It would be a major embarrassment for officialdom to finally admit that ALF’s exist and interact with Planet Earth, often to the opposition of human World elites.)

  5. Criminal.

    (Those at the Top of the Pyramid could really be viewed by ALF’s as degenerate Pharaohs.)

In late 1974 I listened to a nervous doctor of psychiatry from US Naval Intelligence speaking US Armed Forces Radio in Europe. He mentioned that people who saw UFO’s were later found dead. Autopsies were preformed on the bodies and it was discovered that many of the people had been murdered.

At this point the conversation suddenly ended.

In the early 1970’s I read a book by Brad Steiger that stated investigators of UFO’s and international finance behind a world government conspiracy had higher death rates than most other people.

In late 1974, with the help of Intelligences, I was part of a UFO-related sensation from a US military nuclear weapons storage site in West Germany that the US government and Big Money kept covered up.

The US government and its military tried to impress their messages on me and anyone else through their Armed Forces radio station. In one of their features a very knowledgeable US military official was honest enough to admit that the USSR was not the extreme danger and menace that the US News’ media is always portraying it as.

Also, as the Vietnam war proceeded strange things were happening to US military satellites as they failed in unprecedented numbers. A favourite manoeuvre of the News’ media and US government was to blame this on Russian Remote Control Satellites (RCCS). Nothing was said about UFO’s even though Intelligences had caused the failures. The Russians probably did not even have the technology to build and operate effective killer satellites at the time.

(At one point I helped initiate a pyrotechnic display behind the electronics that displays the information for the New York Stock Exchange. I was soon visited by an intimidating “insurance agent” who offered me a life insurance policy. When I declined, he said very sarcastically “That’s too bad…”. He was probably a CIA or Big Money thug sent to intimidate me for the fire(s).)

I continued to apply critical pressure against the US government and Big Money until about 1976 when I left the US military.

Upon returning to civilian life I began to receive mystery phone calls (MPC’s) at my parents house where I lived for several years. I would answer the phone and no reply would be given. Usually I just hung up but on one occasion I hung on long enough to hear a human voice say “hello”.

MPC’s followed me at a distant city until 1980, then again to another city until 1984. In 1986 I moved to Australia and had no personal phone. However when I worked or visited places where there were phones, the MPC’s would return.

(If I started a job the phones would be quiet until I turned in a tax information form. If I regularly visited a local shop with a phone the MPC’s eventually came there too.)

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