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Space Intelligences (SI’s)

Purpose : to gather and present information about SI’s and their contacts with people.

Space Intelligences Defined:

Space Intelligences are defined according to various works and references. Basically, SI’s are Beings of the Over-World to Planet Earth as opposed to the Under-World. SI’s can do things and govern in ways that are much more advanced than most other creatures on Planet Earth, while at the same time, they can come and go to other parts of the Garden of Creation, to include the dreamscapes of people’s minds.

SI’s cannot be captured because They live without image as formless yet highly Energetic Beings in Mental Dimensions far beyond the clutches, jaws and claws of physical beings. SI’s are best known for materialising various UFO shapes based on their own Mind Power or for arranging visits by other extraterrestrial beings to Planet Earth for various purposes, e.g. to prevent human nuclar warfare.

SI’s can also intensify natural Weather activities in response to human activities, i.e. if humans are well-behaved then the Weather will be well-behaved with adequate rain for agriculture as opposed to droughts and floods.

One of the first works of literature to describe SI’s comes from a scientist who gave thought and wrote one of the first really interesting texts about UFO’s. In this text there are references to “spatial intelligences” and ethereal qualities of the weather related to them.

Dr. Morris Jessup’s Spatial Intelligences

is part of that text. No credence is given to any other parts of Dr. Jessup’s works to include imaginary military experiments possibly related to psychological warfare information.

The Author has penned and constructed a basic outline about a particular kind of Space Intelligence called Masters.

Masters are SI’s who exist without Image, without taking form. Masters have very advanced mental and spiritual abilities far in advance of mankind.

Space Intelligence Master Interface

is a link to the basic outline of the Author.

SI Contacts:

Various people and groups of people have been contacted by SI’s since the birth of mankind. We are fortunate to have some SI contacts who have been born in this day and age.

Mr. Ted Owens : the UFO Prophet

Mr. Ted Owens was one of the most public of UFO contacts. He tried to convince an ignorant public about the Reality of Intelligences and the need for CHANGE to a better society and ENVIRONMENT. He was largely ignored by many despite the dire warnings he gave about war-for-profit, industrial pollution, human’s inmanity to Man and the emerging giant US/UK/USSR super monster government.

Mr. Owens was the SI’s Ambassador to Earth similar to how others have also been SI’s Ambassadors to Mankind. He could accurately fortell the occurrence of hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, abnormal weather and UFO appearances that coincided with the giant war conducted by the US/USSR over South East Asia.

Materials about Mr. Ted Owens

Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove is a doctor of parapsychology who compiled much material about Mr. Ted Owens, one of the SI’s best contacts and representatives. Ted was one of the most amazing psychics who could effectively demonstrate accurate two-way communication with SI’s and also display SI abilities and energies such as psychokenetic energy (PK Energy) that later enabled him to be called “PK Man” and be quite similar to Superman.

Other Web Sites that feature Dr. Mishlove’s work can be found by using an internet search engine.


is Dr. Mishlove’s site about the book written about Mr. Ted Owens. (Caution:the site may contain Images.)

Virtual U Interview (57K)

is a transcript of one of Dr. Mishlove’s interviews about Ted Owens.

Uri Geller : Spoon Bender

Mr. Uri Geller is one of the most noteworthy SI contacts and representatives who has for many years been in the spotlight of psychic demonstrations. Mr. Geller has openly admitted contacts with SI’s as being some of the main reasons for his abilities.

Mr. Geller is probably allowed to obtain much public exposure due to his Khazar background. (Khazars have extreme prominence among the ruling elites over the USA, UK and their own traditional ancestral and spiritual homelands in Central Russia.)

Uri Geller Enteprises

is Uri’s cyber-link with the public. It hosts entry to a massive database of information about psychic realities. Mr. Geller is known to be one of the most pleasant of SI contacts and he often engages in worthy service to others in government and industry. (Caution:the site may contain Images.)

Cynthia Larson : Reality Shifter

Ms. Cynthia Larson hosts a site with much useful and practical information about how to “bend” Time and Space with the Mind for beneficial results. Although Ms. Larson does not have much admitted evidence of SI’s and UFO visits, she gives testimony of what is probably another premier SI manifestation in her life and those nearby.

Cynthia Testimonials

is a site that gives witness to the “shifts” that can occur in the Time-Space Continuum to cause Miracles to happen. Excellent advice is given at the site for various problems to include how to locate lost items and how to experience the Unusual. (Caution:the site may contain Images.)

The Author

After having direct and peripheral contacts with SI’s over many years, I have gained some experience in how to deal effectively with exposure to SI’s and their awesome telepathic contact energies. A rough outline exists in the previously mentioned Space Intelligence Master Interface.

Space Intelligence Master Interface

This is the author’s skeleton work about Intelligences and their contacts from an actual, theoretical and subjective viewpoint. It also includes exercises and techniques that may be used to aid the contact of SI’s similar to those practiced by Mr. Ted Owens, one of the most effective and controversial SI contacts.

Aetherius Society

This is a society that claims to have contacts with Space Intelligences. It hosts web pages that are rather interesting but does not mention the people contacts featured on this page.

Aetherius Society

is a site that mentions SI’s by name and has much material on Yoga and activities at its various headquarters in the UK and USA.

American Church

The American Church represents the American People who for many years have had Medicine Men (and Medicine Women) who can open the chemical, emotional, mental and spiritual doors leading to contacts with SI’s.

The Americans conduct sacred ceremonies in which they enter into direct two-way communication with “spirits” who demonstrate SI abilities, such as weather control.

American Religion for American People

is a web site about the American Church at the forefront of many millenia of advanced American culture.

Many Muslim

The Islamic faith has a base of spiritual and mental contact with Intelligences. This is plainly evidenced by certain correlations of their practice of faith and various Space Intelligence recommendations such as AVOIDANCE of making images and worshipping images. In no way does the author give credence to any of the BRUTAL practices of the fundatextual aspects of Islamic Judaism. (The same applies to Christian Judaism.)

Islamic Philosophy

is a site that covers various topics about profound thought by the Great Thinkers of Islam.

Al Farabi

is a page that mentions one of the GREATEST Arabik Iraqi Thinkers who ranks alongside Aristotle as one of the most important philosophers and logisticians of all time. Al Farabi mentions Intelligences and their role in Life in his works about “The Perfect City”. Because such men as Al Farabi and similar women live among Mankind there are often spectacular advances in civilisations that highly regard their thoughts and works.


This section presents various interesting aspects to contacts with SI’s, to include surveillance by spy agencies and other debacles. Often the technologies of SI’s are in some way mimicked by the monkery of humanity. For example, SI’s can make UFO’s appear and fly about while humanity launches rockets into space. Or SI’s can blanket an area in snow even as human News can try to blanket their audience in whitewash.


One of the most prominent areas for SI’s to demonstrate skills in is that of Beingness or Self Actualisation in which a Being can attempt to BE or manifest something based on Will Power and mental creation. By use of concentrated mental energy the Future can be changed to reflect the wishes of Mental Will Power. Because that which is wished or willed comes to be “actual” it is recommended that all such efforts are Positive and Helpful in Nature.

Mental Modification

Changes to a contact person’s Mind and Brain often occur before, during and after SI contacts. Those who are at the forefront of actual Brain and Mental improvement are aiding what could eventually become further successful Man-to-SI contacts.

Roth Memory System

is a link that points to a lesson series that was noted by Mr. Ted Owens to be excellent for providing exercises and methods for overall improvement of one’s brain and memory so one could withstand SI contact. The user of the Roth Memory System (RMS) is capable of improving overall memory in areas of association, mathematics, image and sound recall such that one’s brain can withstand SI telepathic communication.


For many years the author has probably been under “watch” of spy agencies of various governments. This is plainly evidenced by certain “mystery” phone calls that are made to wherever the author lives or works, irregardless of the numbers being public or private. Also the author has been approached by threatening persons who probably work for spy agencies. They try to persuade the author to refrain from using PK powers against the Big Money “Powers That Be” with insistent forcefulness, such as threatening sales of “life insurance” policies.

Even as humans try to be ever watchful, so also can SI’s be even more watchful. SI’s may try to warn mankind at large through their contact “Prophets” about dire consequences arising from improper actions such as nuclear warfare. SI’s can monitor the thoughts and feelings of LARGE NUMBERS of people and accurately detect conspiracies that may result in criminal damage to societies and the environment.

Remote Viewing(RV)

Remote viewing is the ability to see what is happening at distant places without having to use an obvious physical medium such as eyes or cameras.

ESP Research

is a link to an organisation that conducts Remote Viewing research. (Caution:the site may contain Images.)

SI’s are experts in RV and can monitor and know the THOUGHTS of individual creatures by the MANY BILLIONS and so detect when a thought or group of thoughts is more interesting or worthy of attention, perhaps for reasons of further contact or advancement.

The governments have spent much time and effort trying to uncover and use Remote Viewing to advantage for spying on “enemies” but also anyone who opposes Big Money policies that run government plans and activities. Unfortunately this also means the spy agencies will use these techniques to covertly examine activities of harmless people who might oppose the harmfulness of the governments and industries, e.g. war-for-profit and massive environmental destruction syndromes.

Men in Black

SI’s can materialise as unhuman beings or request that unusual beings such as extraterrestrial lifeforms visit an area. Perhaps SI’s have visits such as these happen as a way of waking up people to the Reality of others who are Different than humanity.

Unfortunately, Government agencies and other control bodies often employ forceful and stealthy humans to help suppress SI contacts and help keep the public ignorant about UFO’s and Nature. Big Money will try to make their Men in Black (MIB) agents appear as heroes while quite the opposite is the case.

Intervention by Intelligences

Weather Modification

Even as people endeavour to control their Natural environment by activities such as “seeding” clouds to increase rainfall, so can SI’s even more effectively cause ANY and ALL of Nature’s activities and properties to change. This may include events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, water spouts, drought and other quite Natural phenomena.

Rocket and Satellite Disasters

Space Intelligences can materialise UFO’s and other flying or swimming objects. Human monkery also attempts to make objects fly and function for human purposes. Unfortunately humans also have a capacity to wage war against each other and Nature so human Rocket and Satellite programs are often curtailed by SI’s and Space People.

Launch Failures Due to Intelligences

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