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Table of Digestive System Characteristics
Carnivore (Meat Eater) Herbivore (Vegetarian) Great Apes People
Claws No Claws No Claws
Sharp front teeth for tearing and NO flat molar teeth for grinding food NO sharp front teeth but flat molar teeth for grinding food NO sharp front teeth but flat molar teeth for grinding food
Small salivary glands since saliva not needed for plants Well-developed salivary glands (needed for predigestion of plants) Well-developed salivary glands (same comment)
Acid saliva with NO enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains Alkalaine saliva with plenty enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains Alkalaine saliva with plenty enzyme ptyalin to pre-digest grains
Strong hydrochloric acid to digest tough animal muscle, bone and other tissue Weak hydrochloric acid (about 1/20th that of carnivores) Weak hydrochloric acid (same comment)
Intestinal tract only a few times body length so rapidly decaying meat can pass through quickly Intestinal tract 10 to 12 times body length (plant matter decays more slowly and takes longer to pass through) Intestinal tract 10 to 12 times body length (same comment)
Has no skin pores and perspires through tongue Perspires through skin pores Perspires through skin pores

Are You Herbivore or are You Carnivore ?
Based on a chart by A.D. Andrews, Fit Food for Men
(Chicago American Hygiene Society, 1970)