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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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CBS::Colombia Broadcast System

CIA::Central Intelligence Agency

DC::District of Columbia

IQ::Intelligence Quotient

JFK::John F. Kennedy

OI::Other Intelligences


SE::South East

SI::Space Intelligences

SIM::Space Intelligence Master

TNT::Twitter and Tweeter

UFO::Alien Flying Object

US::United States

USA::United States of America

USSR::Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Mishlove, ·Jeffrey·; PKMan : A True Story of Mind Over Matter; Hampton Roads Publishing, Charlottesville, Virginia USA; 2000

Otto, Binder; SAGA magazine, June July August 1970

Owens, Ted; How to Contact Space People; Saucerian Books, Clarksburg, West Virginia USA; 1969

Benefits of SI’s

Fortunately SI’s are usually of Great benefit to Planet Earth. They are close to the top of a hierarchy of Creatures including people and other Beings who make Earth live.

Much benevolent SI activity is related to inspiration, monitoring, messages, PK effects, generation, operation and destruction of major schemes of interactive benefits to all life forms of Earth.

Following is a very limited partial list of the benefits They play a part in. Items that definitely involved Ted and SI’s in are followed by an asterisk (*).

Space Intelligence Benefits::

Agricultural Assistance, Alternatives to Narcotic/Alcoholic Drugs*, Animal Management, Anti-War Activities*, Architectural Advancement, Art Advancement, Bacteria Management, Being Technology*, Birthing Beneficence, Craft Improvement, Crime Prevention*, Criminal Correction*, Defence of Nature*, Energy Management*, Environmental Survival*, Family Improvement*, Friendship Facilitation*, Fundamental (not fundatextual) Side to Religions*, Garden Assistance, Genetic Improvement, Good Health Management*, Good Weather*, Goodwill Growth and Generation*, Healing, Healthy Living Advice*, Healthy Revolutions and Rebellions*, Hierarchy Management, Information Improvement*, Intelligence Increase*, Interkingdom Management, Interplanar Interaction*, Interstellar Travel and Exchange, Invention and Discovery Transfer*, Language Improvement*, Liberation from Oppression*, Master Plans and Pre-destiny Formulation*, Memory Improvement*, Mental, Spiritual and Practical Side to Religions*, Mineral Management, Miracle Manifestation*, Nature Nurturing, Past Life Revelations, Past Time Revelations, Peace Work and Proliferation*, Personality Improvement*, Perspectives Education*, PK Abilities Transfer*, PK Energy Channelling*, Plant Management, Protection from Enemies*, Psychic Surgery, Scientific Investigation Assistance*, Society Improvement*, Soul Growth*, Sport and Game Management*, Time Past/Present/Future Education, Understanding*, Wise Warnings*,


When most of this was written(2004), I had not read Dr. Mishlove’s book about Ted. However I had contact with Dr. Mishlove in years previous (~1999-2000) and studied internet information about the book and his other fine book “Roots of Consciousness” 2nd edition that also briefly mentioned Ted.

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