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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Ted was born into a family of European descent who probably lived in the United States of America. His birth year was about 1920 and he would live as a physical person until 1987, a total of about 67 years.

It is obvious that Ted had a very adequate diet of food and plenty play, exercise and work as a child. Later in life his physical stature was about six foot six inches (200cm) in height and about 250 pounds (115kg) in weight with plenty muscle and good bone structure.

(Since Ted was living in a EuroRussian society in North America, among human baboons, it is possible that his physical size was predestined, a great advantage in persuading human baboons to have extra regard and respect for himself and his Higher Being friends.)

Ted was probably quite healthy early in life and had above average intelligence with few if any psychological problems.

Unfortunately Ted, like many other children of EuroRussian culture, never developed enough caution towards the use of drugs like alcohol. Also he was probably ignorant of the fact that people like many other mammals, have a vegetarian digestive system. Because of a lack of good childhood health education Ted’s life was shortened by use of alcohol, eating meat and other unhealthy practices.

It is possible that Ted was an Advanced Being (AB) before his birth on Earth and that SI‘s specially planted, monitored and guided part of his childhood. Sometimes children know they are special in certain ways related to AB’s or have gifted talents. As a child Ted might have known he was to become one of the most unusual people to ever live on Earth.

Ted rarely mentioned religious doctrine or dogma. He perhaps had an exposure to Christian Judaism as a child and knew about the historical characters such as Moses and Christ. (He would later claim to be a modern day Moses and that Christ was possibly one of the SI’s).

He probably went through the usual schooling for 12 years.

However something terrible yet secretly necessary happened to Ted. He suffered horrific head injuries on several occasions. In one of these incidents Ted was the victim of violence perpetrated by other youths.

Despite these extreme injuries Ted developed a very active, strong and healthy mind and brain. Ted probably never had severe mental or emotional illness due to the injuries.

In summary Ted inherited a physical body with excellent genetic heritage, had a healthy childhood and enjoyed a fully functional physical, emotional, mental and Soulful start to life. At the boundary between childhood and adulthood Ted was like a worker or soldier fresh and ready for the fields of toil or battle.

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