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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Clues to SI Contact

Ted recommended various techniques and strategies for interested people to use to contact SI’s.

He said that SI’s wanted people and especially younger people to contact Them so important work could be done to make Planet Earth a better place for Beings to live on. Ted even said that some SI contacted young people would be responsible for saving the USA from certain destruction.

Ted specified special books and methods for contacts.

For example: an important prerequisite for effective SI contact was to have a healthy brain so Ted and SI’s suggested SI students learn and intensively practice the David Roth Memory System. It uses lists of special words to further memorise other items or subjects by using certain associations between consonants in the special words and numbers in the list along with strange imaginations of the items or subjects to be remembered.

Also Ted pointed to various effective self suggestion and self hypnosis techniques and books that would allow people to more easily receive SI messages in a relaxed state or access states of their Higher Self. (Ted would advise people to use a hypnotic trigger such as staring at a fingernail to cause their self to become guided in a healthy direction with all the force of Nature.)

Like some famous magicians Ted emphasised the value of people recognising their own divine states of Being and that of other Creatures such as the divine state of superior Willpower. One of the books Ted and SI’s recommended for this was titled “Secrets of the Ages”. It offered easily understood advice similar to the subject of Psycho-cybernetics, a popular theory and philosophy at the time.

When people had prepared themselves SI contacts would happen more easily and with fewer problems such as memory loss (amnesia) or logic failure.

When people had prepared themselves SI contacts would happen more easily and with fewer problems such as memory loss or logic failure.

Ted stressed that a potential SI contact person had to be as SELFLESS as possible before SI’s would choose the person to be one of their helpers or contacts.

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