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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Energy and Abilities

SI’s allowed Ted to access intelligently available PK energy to affect many situations in the Earth physical plane. Ted would handle this PK energy similar to how people use money or a drug. He would use only certain amounts to accomplish a task by measuring certain types of PK energy in certain numbers of units.

For example: if a region was full of violence and warfare, Ted could allocate 100,000 units of White Cross PK Energy to spread on the region with his mind and will to reduce the turmoil. (Ted was able to use the aspect of omnipresence of his Higher Self to place his conscious mind and will at distant locations such as over a certain area.)

Ted stated that PK energy was like money and had to be used carefully for the right healthy purposes. If someone used PK energy for beneficial purposes their good fortune would increase and possibly SI’s would allow the user to access more PK energy. Misuse of PK energy would lead to misfortune and less available PK energy.

Big Money humans perhaps became envious and felt threatened by Ted and SI’s being able to seriously affect Earth events without using money.

In one incident Ted was able to send a PK energy “bomb” to the hidden side of Mars to cause a satellite to be delayed by several minutes in its orbit. It emerged to the revealed side of Mars at a point in time that completely surprised space scientists and other authorities. (This is similar to the famous Uri Geller using his own SI PK abilities and energy to temporarily prevent the lighting of the Olympic flame at the World Olympics in Sydney, Australia in 2000. He did this to make an important statement about the need to avoid nuclear weapon proliferation by humans.)

Ted’s eyes had an unusual property. If someone looked into his eyes and Ted increased the intensity of his gaze, the person would almost be forced backwards. Ted claimed to once be walking a street approaching a gang of dangerous men coming from the opposite direction. He simply stared at the men and they quickly dispersed and gave him plenty room to pass.

Or Ted could stare at an item like a pair of scissors on a table and will the scissors to more. Given enough time the scissors flew off the table several minutes after Ted removed his gaze from them.

Ted would devote time to mentally empowering the healthy lives of people who had his PK Man discs or were devoted students of his SI contact classes or advice. He used PK energy to affect many people in many locations in a single dedicated session.

In his older years Ted tried to approach a newspaper organisation in San Francisco, on the opposite side of the USA from his usual activities on the East Coast of the USA. When Ted tried to courteously and politely get an interview, the News’ security guards became violent and forcibly ejected Ted from the building. This so upset Ted that he went into multi-location mode in his mind and used massive amounts of lightning pyrotechnic PK energy to set fire to large areas of country surround the city. It became a major disaster for northern California.

Ted preferred to use his PK mostly for the benefit of people and any ill will was definitely in the minority of his wishes. Ted probably was given PK energies and talents by SI’s because he was a Being living as a Big Man with a Big Head AND a Big Heart with plenty of love and compassion for others most of the time.

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