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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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First Contact

Ted‘s deep sense of Nature was reaching a climax when he had his first full contact with SI’s.

SI’s materialised a UFO (Alien Flying Object) completely in full of Ted. This happened in about 1960 when Ted was about 30 years old.

If the UFO was like other UFO‘s that SI’s can create and place in Earth‘s physical plane it probably became part of Ted’s most wonderful and treasured memories. Perhaps it was a source of magnificent energy unparalleled in Ted‘s past current lifetime. Quite likely the SI’s wanted to impress Ted with the event and so made it as worthwhile as possible to Ted.

(SI UFO‘s are objects composed of energy from a near-physical plane parallel to the Earth physical plane. They become like Earth physical matter and can emit light and other radiation and affect Earth physical energy or matter. For example: bullets will bounce off them or when UFO’s collide with Earth physical objects such as aircraft, spacecraft or seacraft such as submarines, disasters occur. SI UFO‘s are objects far in advance of the primitive technology of humanity and other Space People of Earth’s physical plane. They do not have wiring or motors or similar machinery to human technology and cannot be captured or stolen.)

Whatever the case Ted soon began to have something very unusual happen inside his head after the UFO sighting. He was conscious of Beings with a visual or mental appearance that either resembled insects like bees or wasps or formless Beings who had no Image.

Ted called the Insect SI’s by the names Twitter and Tweeter (TNT). He would later confront these same two Beings many times from the comfort of he special brain and mind.

Other SI‘s Ted initially met were hard to describe because They had no Image. They seemed to be using TNT as servants. These superior SI’s were called SI Masters (SIMS’s) by Ted.

Perhaps Ted had his most meaningful initial contacts with SI’s when he entered into a state of relaxation like self-hypnosis. Ted would later recommend potential people contacts to practice self suggestion and self hypnosis as an essential part of successful SI contact.

Ted would close his eyes, relax, enter a hypnotic state and fully avail his physical and mental brain consciousness to the Presence of SI’s.

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