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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Good and Evil

Ted has been portrayed as being egotistical sometimes. If Ted had to exert pressure on others or give a show of ego it was probably because human baboons know and react seriously when faced with this type behaviour.

In some literature such as the Bible and a book “Late Great Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsey, human characters of the “Great Beast” and the “Anti-Christ” are mentioned. According to these tales these Beings are to live as evil people with miracle powers that deceive many. Also they are Beings who receive head injuries.

There is some possible relation between this scaremongering and the life of Ted Owens and other such people. (Ted suffered head injuries and was a real miracle worker.)

However it must be asked: What is Good and what is Evil? Was Ted an evil person?

If the Biblical hero Moses had incredible PK powers along with SI contacts does this make him evil? Moses was noted to have personally killed an overseer who was beating a slave. Also Higher Beings like SI’s in contact with Moses had to injure or kill many people in order to change conditions and eventually liberate the slaves from an evil government of a Pharaoh.

Ted probably never killed or injured anyone in his life. However SI’s had to kill many people to help end US involvement in the Vietnam War and to limit the human war against Nature.

Ted was very sensitive about injury to people by SI‘s. If SI’s were about to cause death or injury and Ted knew about it, Ted would beg and plead for SI‘s to refrain from causing the disaster. But Ted acknowledged that some death or injuries caused by SI’s might be justified to prevent even greater disasters that might affect people or Nature in much larger numbers.

(SI’s told Ted They were going to destroy the Apollo 13 space vehicle on its way to the Moon. Perhaps They were doing this as a protest against US destruction of SE Asia during the Vietnam War. Ted pleaded with Them as much as he could not to kill the astronauts. As a result the SI attack did not kill the men inside. On another occasion Ted accurately forecast the fiery deaths of US astronauts within their Apollo 1 module before it was launched from Florida.)

Moses of the Bible apparently went into great detail and effort to warn and encourage people about how to behave and enjoy benefits of being healthy. He gave people suggestions or commandments that were probably SI inspired. Ted and SI’s certainly gave plenty of warnings to people but did not rigidly specify any of the same commandments or similar suggestions to those of Moses.

Ted was incredibly powerful alongside SI’s. He was incredibly wealthy in PK energy and abilities.

If someone has large amounts of money or other resources and yet mostly lives a healthy life with benefit or goodwill for others, is this evil?

Ted and SI‘s lived and existed to benefit people and Planet Earth. If They had to discourage or punish human misbehaviour then it was a benefit especially to any victims of the human misbehaviour and in a longer term to the wrongdoers. Also They directly benefited well-behaved people and rewarded SI contact people such as Ted’s students and PK Man disc recipients.

The Bible warns of False Prophets. Ted did not qualify as a False Prophet since many of his predictions came true.

Some people refer to Ted as being the Anti-Christ, a popular fundatextual scaremongering label. How could Ted be the Anti-Christ when even he admitted to the possible existence of a Being like Christ? In one of his books Ted speculated that Christ, the central Ambassador Being to Christianity, was an SI Master. Also Ted did not persecute Christians and certainly was not active in the Christian Church (“the tomb of Christ”).

For those who are so righteous and persist in calling Ted an Anti-Christ I would like to know, how many of these self-righteous humans condemned the Vietnam War?

How many of them knew of the Irony of the Vietnam War and condemned it?

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