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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Interface of Contacts

SI‘s began to talk to Ted though intuition and visual impressions upon Ted’s brain and mind.

They told Ted he was to become one of their friends, like a pet and an ambassador to Earth people and that the position was very unique. The only person They had last fully contacted with such a good communication interface as Ted’s was the ancient hero Moses or Musa as mentioned in religious books such as the Bible. This placed Ted in the category of a Prophet who could have extraordinary visions and understanding exceeding those of most other people.

These messages given to Ted were mostly in the language of intuition that transcends languages spoken and written by people. It is closely related to the language of the imagination. Intuition is perceived by senses of mind different than the simple senses of the physical body and their corollaries.

What made Ted‘s contacts with SI’s so amazing is that he could withstand the effects of SI communication upon his brain. The brains of most other people would become retarded or impaired when affected by SI telepathy.

SI’s told Ted that They had caused his head injuries earlier in life so his brain could be specially modified to later have safe effective two-way communication with Them.

Ted‘s brain and mind remained healthy even after many SI contacts over many years. When a person’s brain is affected by SI‘s the person can experience various sensations of SI’s performing operations and interacting with the brain. Ted sometimes mentioned psychic surgery by SI‘s in his brain or other body areas. Perhaps Ted could feel neural electricity in his brain and body related to the flow of PK energy or perhaps he would feel SI’s changing activities and matter in his head such as variations in blood flow, stimulus of brain tissue or changes in brain chemistry.

When Ted was in full contact with SI’s he had several specific communication interfaces.

The most common of these was the TNT disc.

When relaxed and facing the TNT disc Ted would see, through the visual portion of his brain and mind, Twitter and Tweeter perched and staring at the edge of a round glass-like lens. When Ted imagined English text or lips of a mouth speaking words appearing on the base of the disc, TNT would become alert and lively and begin transforming the spoken or written language into colourful geometric shapes or collages that would flow towards a white screen.

When this happened SI Masters (SIM’s) would receive and understand the symbols.

The white screen used by SIM‘s was a plain surface in Ted’s brain and mind where SIM’s could paint and erase visual messages and scenes for Ted to interpret or simply watch.

Also Ted had some place in his mental and physical mind-brain space that was like a mailbox. He could relax into hypnosis, reach into the mailbox and retrieve meaningful and accurate visual and intuitional messages left by TNT and SIM’s.

Sometimes Intelligences such as SI‘s visit people such as Ted by coming into partial appearance in the physical Earth plane. When this happens the Intelligence is felt as an intense Presence like a powerful electric field. People and other animals may try to flee the Presence but if exposed to the Presence for too long may suffer neurological damage. This is why SI’s created and maintained the special pathway and interface to the physical Earth plane via Ted‘s mind and brain. Contacts and communication could occur between SI’s and Earth people with Ted as a special medium or ambassador since he could withstand SI contacts.

Ted would meet SI‘s on a very real physical basis too. He would go into the countryside away from human cities, point a flashlight up at the night sky and SI’s would descend to visit and have meaningful conversations. (Ted would let SI‘s know of the contact place and time by imagining written or lip-spoken contact information in the TNT disc before travelling to the countryside.) When Ted and SI’s spent time together like this Ted claimed that it was so pleasurable that hours would pass like minutes and days like hours. These very physical contacts could last for several days at a time.)

Through all of this intimate interface with SI‘s, Ted produced a book "How to Contact Space People" that appeared in the late 1960’s. It detailed how people, and especially younger people, could themselves learn to contact SI’s.

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