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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Later Life

After a lifetime of incredible experiences and exposure to extremes of comedy and tragedy Ted reached his 50’s.

He had grown a beard, quite a change from his smooth shaven past.

Despite much xenophobia, jealousy, objections and rejections from the public, and especially from the very wealthy rulers, “scientists”, government officials and major News’ media in the USA, Ted managed to keep his sanity, positive attitude, PK abilities and competent contacts with SI’s.

Ted eventually moved to New York State in the USA. Obviously he was able to afford living in a decent place in his older years.

Ted was probably no longer involved with the media or getting plenty public exposure. However he still tried to warn others of intended SI activities such as the space shuttle Challenger disaster in response to US plans for a major war with Libya.

If Ted had plenty of contacts with other people perhaps his amazing life would have carried on in grand scale and proper reverence due a mighty man on his old age.

Human lack of appreciation for truly great men and conscious and subconscious xenophobia probably contributed to the loneliness and separation Ted experienced later in life.

In the two years preceding and near Ted’s departure from his physical Earth life there were major SI related events: the embarrassing January 1986 explosion of the space shuttle Challenger just after the Big Money US military started bombing Libya; the April 1986 Chernobyl (Black and White) nuclear disaster during Marxist terrorist attacks in Europe and after massive sales of Soviet weapons of terror to many Arabiks; the September 1986 timely descent of Space People to prevent the US military from using nuclear weapons against Libya; and the October 1987 major weather front that smashed into southern Britain when the US Navy was destroying offshore Iranian oil platforms in the Gulf of Iran.

Ted’s health deteriorated in 1987 and he died of cirrhosis of the liver at about age 67.

UFO’s were spotted near the town when Ted died.

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