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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Middle Life

Ted’s life to adulthood was mostly healthy.

Then he joined the US Navy. While in the navy something interesting happened when he jumped from a diving board into the water. He seemed to float in midair for a rather long moment before dropping into the water! This was one of a few indications that Ted perhaps had PK abilities and energies related to levitation prior to fully meeting SI’s.

Ted probably spent part of his military service in Europe and became more acquainted with the recent World Wars there. He probably felt into the tragedy of war and what had befallen Khazars and others before and during World War II. Perhaps he also became slightly aware of the Giant Red Holocaust that happened under Marxism in Eastern Europe and Russia prior to World War II.

A deep sense of patriotism to the USA was rooted in Ted’s psyche and perhaps he felt some of this towards Khazarnik too. He later praised the invasion zone of Khazarnik as being a worthy nation. (It is possible that Ted was ignorant about the conditions Palestine refugees had to live in, poverty that 99% of EuroRussians have never experienced or wanted to know about. Perhaps Ted never learned of the Khazars and the traditional and ancestral homelands of the Khazars in Russia.)

Ted claimed to have a black belt karate qualification. He had an excellent sense of rhythm to be a talented musical percussion expert as a drummer.

Ted managed to eagerly seek out and learn MANY new skills that could be used for employment, entertainment or survival. His brain, mind, nervous system and other aspects must have been in excellent health to do this. It would have required plenty coordination, discipline, stamina, positive attitude and energy to acquire such a repertoire.

Ted was very smart in a very intelligent way. He possessed logic and mental abilities of a person with a very high intelligence quotient (IQ).

Ted wanted to be rated as a person with a high IQ and perhaps be associated with other such people. So he applied for membership to MENSA, a well recognised organisation that only allows people with a high IQ to be members. MENSA IQ tests can be very difficult for most people to achieve a high score. Ted scored highly on these tests and was probably personally interviewed by MENSA for a final check on his character by personality analysis.

Ted’s IQ was rated by MENSA at about 160 while an IQ of about 130 or higher is considered to be the IQ of people who are called geniuses. Also Ted stressed that MENSA only allows people to be members if they seem to be psychologically stable, of good character.

Ted’s high IQ and membership to MENSA are further proof that he was an exceptional person with a very healthy mind, brain and other aspects of Being.

Ted spent much of his middle aged life in Cape Charles, Virginia USA. This is also an area close to where another famous psychic lived, Edgar Cayce. The Association for Research and Enlightenment having a focus on Edgar is located in the area. Ted like Edgar was capable of doing amazing things from a state of relaxation or hypnosis. Also nearby to Cape Charles is a large amount of US Navy activity, a major centre of US military intelligence sensitivity. And of course the US Federal government capitol of Washington DC was just north of where Ted lived.

Like most other people, Ted had his bad habits too. For example he drank alcohol, ate inch thick steaks of red cattle meat and chewed cigars. SI‘s could have warned Ted about the dangers of these activities and Ted could have changed his ways to be more healthy, to live a longer life. According to the Bible, Moses lived to a very old age. Unfortunately Ted’s lifestyle would lead to an early death.

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