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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Nature Link

Ted had plenty sympathy and empathy with Nature. Perhaps he could feel deeply into the lives of other Beings and especially unhuman Beings.

At some point Ted felt very closely attuned to the cycle of natural events such as those of Weather. Perhaps he could sense the arrival of rain, wind and lightning with uncanny accuracy. Perhaps he could feel into the emotions or spirit in the movements of Nature at distant places.

Ted knew when Nature was healthy and happy and when Nature was sick and sad.

Perhaps Ted became aware of the pain and discomfort of human pollution and plunder against Nature.

Ted knew and felt the sacred value of life in Nature more than most other people.

Ted began to think and feel that Nature was talking to him. Ted began to touch and be touched by the Intelligence behind Nature.

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