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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Opinions of SI’s

After much exposure to SI‘s and thinking about SI’s and their Purpose related to Earth, Ted came to have conclusions or thoughtful opinions of the entire SI phenomenon.

Ted‘s Basic Perceptions of SI’s

As a basic opinion Ted stated that SI’s wanted people and other creatures of Earth to have happy healthy lives.

Ted stated that SI‘s lived in some other space time continuum or set of dimensions and in some material even suggested that SI’s were from the planet Jupiter.

Asked if People would ever become like SI‘s, Ted said it would be impossible even if reincarnation existed. Perhaps Ted could sense that SI’s were very much older and advanced than People and People technology.

Ted did not say how large SI‘s like TNT were. However Ted once referred to SI’s as his “little friends” when he warned the US government about the failed launch of a US rocket during the Vietnam War.

Ted believed that SI‘s had been working behind the scenes to enrich the civilisations of people and especially the nation of the USA. According to Ted, the USA was so beholding to SI’s that one of the reasons Ted‘s surname was Owens was because the USA was greatly "owen" or owing to SI’s because of SI beneficence.

SI’s and the Game of Life

Ted tried to see SI‘s and Earth in various perspectives. SI’s and other Intelligences (OI‘s) were, in Ted’s view, also possibly using people in some sort of game like chess. Since Intelligences could not battle or touch each other in regions of Mind, They instead used creatures like people to play games.

According to Ted, SI‘s were very much superior to OI’s and OI’s were often beings who visited Earth disguised as humanoid life forms.

Ted stated that SI‘s informed him that OI’s, as well as the nations of Russia and China, were strategically planning to destroy the USA.

Ted’s Doomsday Prediction

Ted said that SI‘s would remain interactive with Planet Earth and the nation of the USA for Seven Time Steps. At the end of these Steps, SI’s would depart for other places and purposes in Creation.

Perhaps it would become a situation similar to what happens when upper-level management deserts a company.

If the USA were not sufficiently healthy and well-behaved at this time, something terrible would happen:

  1. There would be a nuclear attack by a rogue military official in the USA against a major Russian city.
  2. OI’s would intervene to shut down the US military and any other military threatening Earth.
  3. A revolution in the USA would occur. A very young President would be elected.
  4. The US would eventually be destroyed by OI’s in conjunction with Russia and China. Russia would use biological and/or chemical warfare against the US. Also Russia would be able to kidnap many scientists or others worthy to its plans.
  5. Worldwide proof would be offered that White People were the major source of all problems on Planet Earth. A global Race War would result in White People being hunted down and killed like animals everywhere.
  6. Finally all people civilisation would be so severely affected that it would eventually only exist in a primitive form in Africa. SI’s would find the situation very saddening to Their efforts to improve Life on Earth and develop a new type of Space People there.

SI’s and World Politics

Ted was negatively critical of attempts to merge the US and USSR into a World Super State. He opposed the giving of “goodies” by the US to the USSR in the spirit of “detente”. But he also opposed unbridled aggression against the USSR. An important point made in material that he used for teaching others, was that it was WRONG to blame an entire group of people, such as Russians, for the crimes or faults of a minority.

When people suggested that Ted should relocate to the USSR he would politely decline but point out that psychics such as himself would probably be given more respect and attention in the USSR, especially by its government.

Ted also had opinions of the human occult. He referred to secret organisations behind the scenes such as the “Rich Gang” or “Group for World Domination”.

SI’s and Sin

Of all human crimes Ted said pollution was considered the worst by SI‘s. Presumably, if human warfare was conducted with minimum pollution and environmental destruction, it would be considered less dangerous by SI’s.

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