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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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I first learned of Ted Owens in 1970. My father gave me a copy of SAGA magazine from June 1970 about Ted and written by Otto Binder. It was an amazing multi-page article about one of the most amazing people I had ever read about.

Two further SAGA articles about Ted appeared in July and August 1970 also written by Otto Binder. I eagerly read all three articles time and time again.

(A companion article in one magazine concerned the failure of US satellites. Apparently they were malfunctioning or dying in numbers that could not be attributed to “known” interference. This article probably implied that alien Beings were reacting to human problems such as US involvement in the Vietnam War.)

One article promoted small plastic discs that would link whoever wore the disc with good effects associated with Ted‘s PK powers. Ted’s address was given in the article so I wrote him and requested that he send me one of his plastic PK Man discs. I was on the way to discovering Ted Owens and Space Intelligences (SI’s).

I began to know Ted and SI’s in 1970 and continued on good terms with Them until about 1974 when I became involved in a major SI incident. Because of this I suffered mental and neurologic impairment for a few years.

Then in about 1977 I became distressed by large numbers of animal mutilations by UFO Space Beings. I knew SI‘s were not directly responsible for these horrible operations and injuries to innocent animals but I viewed SI’s as indirectly responsible since They probably could have done something to stop the phenomenon.

It upset me so much that I wrote Ted about it and stated “Nuts to You SI’s” in the letter.

I had given up on SI‘s and my PK involvement but without realising it I was still on a SI mission to prevent Planet Earth from becoming a nuclear inferno. This climaxed in 1986 when I helped SI’s deter another World War.

Unfortunately Ted died in 1987. I had not written or contacted him in the 10 years previous to his death, although I still thought highly of him and SI’s.

Between 1970 and the time of this writing I have experienced MANY unusual events thanks to Ted and SI’s but devote a separate book to this.

In this I try to describe Ted and SI’s to the best of my ability and without exaggeration.

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