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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Public View

The closest people to know Ted were his own family. Ted did not mention much about his mother and father or any possible siblings. However Ted was married to a woman who bore him at least one daughter and one son named Beau. Ted got divorced possibly because of Ted‘s strange contacts with SI’s. Later Ted spent time with another woman possibly in marriage.

Ted was featured on nationwide US television shows, radio programs, magazines and books as PKMan.

A favourite display of his was to influence the course of US gridiron football games. He would use his PK powers through a television set to make a team win or lose a game or an entire season. His ability to do this was extremely accurate. Incidents in the football games happened by some kind of strange magic. For example a player would be running downfield and would fall as if tripping over something. Or the football would fly with uncanny accuracy or deflection. Ted appeared on a major US CBS television show about his football forecasting.

Ted purchased a large number of small red plastic discs and a lesser number of precious metal (gold) discs that were custom embossed with his special symbol of a circle bisected with a line that passed from the lower left to the upper right and a small lightning mark to the lower left of the bisected circle.

These discs were advertised in magazine articles about Ted such as Fate and SAGA. The price of a red plastic PKMan disc was five dollars while a gold disc might be several hundred dollars. Each red plastic disc was 37mm in diameter and about 1.25mm thick. Ted would carefully put a hole in each disc with a knife so it could be strung on something like string or a necklace and be worn around a person’s neck.

Ted said he would specially encode each disc for each buyer with certain mental PK properties that would greatly benefit the buyer. Ted claimed that each disc would only preform its magic for the original purchaser.

People with PK discs would become much more healthy, fulfilled in life and less susceptible to bad habits or social ills. Their Inner Wealth would increase dramatically. However Ted never advised that his PK discs would drastically affect medical conditions that really required a doctor.

Ted would devote a certain amount of time on a daily or weekly basis trying to transmit his PK energies to all PK disc owners for their benefit.

Sometimes members of the public such as media presenters would become hostile towards Ted. SI’s would intervene with some kind of mental influence that would cause the person to suddenly become much more pleasant to Ted.

(Once Ted was walking with his daughter by his side when a deranged man holding a large knife leapt out as if to attack them. SI’s immediately caused the man to drop to his knees, let loose of the knife and begin crying like a harmless baby.)

One of the goals of SI’s was to establish their own colony of SI inspired devotees to demonstrate a sustainable healthy lifestyle that many more people could then model their own lifestyles and communities upon. Ted intensively tried to initiate this. He even tried to become a personal SI wizard for existing communities such as towns. Unfortunately when Ted tried to realistically set up such an arrangement, complete with a salary for himself, innate human xenophobia would surface or possibly Big Money humans would step in behind the scenes to discourage and prevent the ventures.

Ted set up and conducted classes to teach interested people about SI‘s, contacting SI’s and unlocking personal hidden potential. Ted also charged money for these. Some students had success in partially meeting SI‘s or seeing SI’s perform aerial and space appearances.

Ted and SI‘s had to protect themselves from human attacks. They could either do this by changing a person’s attitude or by reflecting the attack back upon the attackers. If a person fired a gun at a SI UFO then they would often experience misfortune. Or if someone intensely ridiculed Ted then he and SI‘s could predict and cause misfortune in their life. For example a media presenter from the popular US National Enquirer paper severely criticised Ted and so Ted correctly predicted a chain of disasters in the presenter’s life as well as hurricanes visiting the location of the Enquirer in Florida (which were retracted at the last moment by Ted and SI’s).

In these cases Ted was like a teacher trying to teach something vitally important to students. If a student was disrespectful and abusive to Ted, he would use his authority to straighten the student by some punishment of healthy discipline.

When adult humans misbehave towards other adults such as police officers, other law enforcement officials or the public at large, then corrective action is taken. This is similar to what Ted and SI’s had to do at times, especially with regard to US government military war-for-profit activity.

Authors and other writers interviewed Ted for magazine articles and books. Some writers were well known experts in fields of UFO’s and parapsychology or psychic science such as Otto Binder and Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove.

Ted was a gifted writer and would correspond by mail with any interested people who were genuinely interested in SI’s and himself. Invariably he wrote with a red ink pen. Perhaps he knew about the attractive advertising value of the colour red. Almost all his letters bore his personal symbol of the bisected circle with lightning bolt.

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