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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Ted’s mission as PK Man could be divided into these categories:


In diplomacy Ted was one of the most unusual mediums (between physically incarnate people and SI‘s) and a modern day Prophet. If Ted or someone like Ted had not lived when they did, SI’s probably would have had to create extreme disasters to force errant humanity to eventually correct behaviour. Thanks to Ted and SI’s the USA was able to correctly end involvement in the Vietnam War and They partially detoured a future war between the USA and Libya.


In education Ted was a competent teacher, promoter and example for many people. If one of the most valuable things to get is Understanding then Ted and SI’s tried their best to inspire interested people to become more open-minded and caring about Life on Earth, key ingredients towards an increase in Understanding.


As a magician Ted was gifted in almost every aspect of psychic science and demonstrated their correct applications. Ted could have been one of the most powerful and influential Nature Shamans or “White Magicians” to ever live on Earth. (In no way should this imply that dark-skinned people are bad people. Ted was acutely aware that Spirit has no colour.) It is likely that Ted was greatly opposed to overt racism and bigotry since these are often symptoms of human xenophobia.

Ted knew of the extreme importance and implications of SI involvement with Planet Earth and his own miracle PK abilities and powers. To have such an extremely valuable outlook and PK gifts could have lifted Ted to great heights with much excitement. But when most people were not appreciative of Ted and SI’s and their Great Presence it surely must have led to deep sadness.

Again, when Ted died, SI‘s materialised UFO’s near Ted‘s home and deathbed. It is quite possible that Ted and SI’s still are Best of Friends and the greatest of Beings to ever help Planet Earth.

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