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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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As one of the most controversial people in history, Ted was carefully monitored and sometimes harassed by certain organisations in the USA.

Often Ted would receive mystery phone calls in which his phone or a nearby phone would ring. Ted would pick up and answer the phone and no one would reply. This is a common phenomenon among UFO-related people, conspiracy investigators and political dissidents in the USA and similar countries.

Some of the people who surrounded Ted died in mysterious circumstances or unusually large numbers.

Ted sometimes advised potential SI contact people to be secretive because he felt they might be in danger after learning about SI’s and himself. Perhaps Ted could sense the threats of death.

When Ted tried to gain large amounts of money (up to several tens of thousands of dollars) or special positions in return for his PK services the ventures would often fail. This seemed to happen because of the influence of hidden human authorities or innate human xenophobia.

It is possible that Ted and SI’s were seriously studied by important yet hidden organisations in the USA such as “think tanks” composed of experts that carefully analyse difficult subjects and intelligence agencies.

Perhaps some of this study led to actions such as the eventual embarrassment of US military involvement in the Vietnam War, impeachment of President Richard Nixon and greater anti-pollution laws and policies in the USA. (Ted referred to Nixon as “Pharaoh” sometimes.)

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