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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Ted Owens was one of the most spectacular psychics in history and a Prophet of the modern world.

He had excellent communication with very advanced Space Beings for many years on a frequent basis.

Ted demonstrated that Creatures on Earth are related to Elder Creatures called Space Intelligences (SI‘s). Ted was well endowed with psychokinetic (PK) abilities and energies that helped earn him the name PK Man. (Psychokinesis allows a Creature’s mind or emotions to affect physical and other matter directly without using an intermediate medium such as a physical body.)

Ted and SI’s used their talents, technology and energies to end the Vietnam War (one of the most destructive and greedy human wars in history) and encourage US industry and government to reduce extremely dangerous pollution. Also They were partially successful in getting some of the narrow minded majority of humans in the USA to become slightly more open minded (even when many of Their PK miracles should have received much greater attention and analysis by the US public.)

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