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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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UFO Cases

The first event to definitely alert and connect Ted to SI’s was a UFO encounter.

Ted would experience and predict many other UFO events in his several decades of friendship with SI’s.

Ted said SI’s told him that when They brought a UFO into an area They would place a special net or network over the area such that human electricity in the area would be neutralised and unavailable to humans.

Sometimes electrical energy such as in automobiles would disappear and Ted would say this happened because SI’s were nearby but perhaps not visible in the physical Earth plane.

Ted would request SI‘s to cause major UFO events and the events would happen and be noted in various media such as newspapers in the following days or weeks. (Large Big Money News’ papers in the USA eventually censored stories about UFO’s but smaller newspapers would still revealed the stories.)

SI‘s could create many different types of UFO’s in all different sizes, shapes and colours. Many UFO‘s are simply objects temporarily created by SI’s to demonstrate their abilities and energies. Other UFO‘s are actual craft used by Advanced Beings to go from one area of space to another, sometimes directed to do so by SI’s.

Some SI UFO events involved encounters where unearthly Beings such as large hairy manlike creatures would visit people and areas arranged by SI‘s. For example: SI’s warned Ted that a major significant UFO event was about to happen. A woman and a man were travelling in the country at night in a state like Michigan USA when a UFO descended as a lighted object and landed in a nearby area of forest. The man stopped the car, got out of the car and proceeded to walk into the forest to get a closer look at the UFO. While he did this, a large hairy Apeman quietly approached the car, reached a huge hairy arm into the car through an open window, grasped the woman passenger‘s head and tapped it against a window. This gave her a terrible fright and she almost screamed her head off. The Apeman ran back into the darkness and soon the UFO ascended and left the area. The man quickly returned to the car to rescue the woman. The woman’s surname was “Owen” that was similar to Ted‘s surname of Owens, another intelligence SI link. The event received widespread media coverage such that Ted soon learned of it and acknowledged this was the event that SI’s had promised.

(Some humans may be upset at this event. It should be pointed out that the Big Money War Criminals were busy frightening MILLIONS of the inhabitants of SE Asia and the time by dropping MILLIONS of TONNES of explosives and poisons upon the jungles there. Which event would be more frightening and destructive?)

SI‘s did not like humans attacking their UFO’s such as by shooting at the UFO‘s with guns. Ted said SI’s had powerful abilities to reflect dangerous attacks back at attackers such that they would suffer misfortune. If a man shot a UFO Ted could easily point to the many problems the man would encounter after the shootings as proof of this.

SI‘s once appeared angry in the 1960’s and told Ted They were about to cause a major disaster. Soon New York City lost its electrical power and people reported a UFO hovering nearby some major power lines in the area.

Sometimes SI‘s would cause a UFO flap in which many UFO’s appear in an area. Or SI‘s would cause earthquakes or mystery explosions about the same time that UFO’s appeared. Ted could predict these events too.

Once Ted was travelling cross country in a car when a US military helicopter crashed nearby. (Perhaps SI‘s caused the crash.) Ted stopped the car, got out and approached the crash. When he tried to assist any crash victims a military officer from the helicopter produced a 45 automatic handgun and warned Ted to stay away from the crash. (Ted’s travel could have been carefully monitored by US Government military operations sometimes.)

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