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From Ted Owens : Modern Moses by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Ted passed on messages to people from SI’s. Unfortunately most of these messages had to be warnings since humanity has a tendency to misbehave.

Ted warned people in the USA and especially US authorities many times about many events, both foreseen by SI‘s and caused by SI’s.

Ted knew how to contact the US government (USG) and warn them about potential dangers such as misconduct, both towards the USA and by the USG itself.

For example Ted warned the USG about the initial naval conflict about to occur in the Gulf of Tonkin between the US Navy and the navy of North Vietnam.

(Despite this warning the Big Money War Criminals of the US and USSR conducted and profited from another Vietnam War. It became a major focus of Ted‘s and SI’s messages.)

Also SI’s forewarned Ted about the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy (JFK) so he notified the USG about this. The message was not taken seriously and JFK was killed.

In the same style Ted warned the USG about Soviet or Cuban attempts to kidnap President Richard Nixon by using scuba divers near one of Nixon‘s beach resort homes. This time the message was acted upon and USG divers were used to guard Nixon’s beach palace.

As the US/USSR/Red China/SE Asia war proceeded Ted warned the USG about SI destruction of military and space program rocket launches, satellites and space vehicles; and SI hurricane, tornado and other weather attacks on the USA.

(Ted contacted the CIA once. CIA agents visited and listened to Ted tell them about SI‘s. Ted even offered to further introduce the CIA to SI’s by taking them to places where Ted felt SI’s might enter into the Earth physical plane such as old houses or castles that were known to be haunted by Intelligences.)

The USG took Ted’s warnings seriously for a while.

But the USG eventually ignored Ted and SI’s. Perhaps the warnings Ted issued were so contrary to the information the USG wanted to receive about the Vietnam War and the USA in general that the USG became repulsed by this vital information.

Ted became so disgusted with lack of appreciation for SI warnings that he gave up trying to contact the USG.

However Ted knew the value of trying to appeal to men of science. He formulated a list of important scientists to contact and would send out warnings and information about SI events such as a huge explosion of a trainload of bombs in Texas that the US military planned to drop on SE Asia. Some of the scientists were probably in close interface with the USG and Ted’s accurate predictions would cause intense discomfort to them.

Ted would warn others and even himself about the abuse of PK powers. He likened PK power to money and stressed that if someone was given a great deal of money they would have to be careful how it was spent.

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