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Huggy Bear's Side of the Story

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Never really thinking i was a goonie i hung out with this band of miscreants that had nothing better to do than masturbate on peoples front porches for all the old ladies to see...some of which masturbated in the back seat of my car while some strange chick that liked to lick watched as i kept driving on by(’s leslie)well eventually I Huggybear became the goonie guru...the ultimate of miscreants who never made and angel laugh...except maybe when i asked for her number...loser of kings... you might call me... the goonies looked down upon me but they didn’t realize that i was only up and giggled at me as i danced and played the fool... fore which only made me dance more...

gumba and jeff were a couple of psychopaths with me (you know of the 20,000 volt persuation) we played one show a june one at that...only the “mentally challeged” enjoyed it and asked me to play freebird it was we never played freebird...i was dating a girl named captain as she made all go mad including me and my little buddy pattington...the bear ya know...we all hang out...well anyway time kept goin and goin and goin and goin and goin...they kept playing and i occasionally dissappeared to go off into some other universal delirium to which i haven’t fully recovered , but i always found my way back...whether that being a good or a bad thing...

Anyway jah and the goonies one in the same...i remember making noise and laughing as they yelled SHUT THE FUCK UP...gumba and i were great that night....i learned best from the goonies that i could smoke huge chunks of memory away and still be burdened with that fact that i was yet a goonie....HUGGYBEAR the unofficial official goonie just for being me...Once after smoking with darbi (PLural) we went to score and the score was nice...

jeff and i sat outside and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.....shhhhhhhh.........listen..... how did we ever survive. but the story still goes on... in the middle of the me ramblin about dolemite as jeff taped and laughed and i was very out of my mind ya laura's room...she wasn't home... the pony in his stable asleep... and that night i don't remember i shall leave this incomplete...stop 2 one day a bunch of goonies and an urge to break free... dead fish moving eye up looking at me...creepy shit...well it was the fact that i as a human being on the verge of complete mental collaspe...acknowledging all that is a sentient being...walked down the road Lake Shore's funny how these things come to be... well gumba kevin and i were walking down teh road and stared at a cop as he drove... he did not stop gumba had an evil eye... top of mountain... zen misunderstandings being yelled... i can't believe they pay us for this shit... to be continued...gumba couldn't piss...jevin and i laughed... we climbed down the mountain top and walked back... another dead fish...another dead propecy...see gumba and jevin were far far ahead... some homie kids i believe told me some chick wanted to get hooked up with me...i yelled..I've GONE INSANE... kept walking found friends pictures of them of me on a flyer for a june show...hehehe... well we left and went back to jeffs jevin making french toast...jim morrison was singin my song... i said something to jeff...freaked him out...we both didn't remember...which freaked me out...that's how it all ended man..that's how it all ended...well now that we're older some wiser some more of a loser (me)... i'm still a bear...i swear...i'm still a bear and the world with never understand that all is done and gone since the first time i've lost my many ghost stories to tell...some shit with trees with me gumba and jon... we spoke to them as they spoke to us...gumba argued...PURPLE that what jimmy meant...who know's.... last june i saw bears dancing on the roof of my car and gnomes and airplanes ran arond and hovered and went WAY WAY FAR...the day was long and cold i realized that i never wanted to be alone (that day)...talked to larry it was WIERD...ran to mcguiver(tallest bunny in the world) and he don't remeber i sat alone in my blanky like linus on some hallucinary adventure that needed to end that never did...that night in my room...i remember bugs bunny and a martian making a ATOM bomb almost explode...i wimpered bugs don't do that don't you understand we will all die...shut off the box that glowed...silence for a second...Franz Schubert blaired in my head i never got to sleep...the songs and the gnomes they made me weep...and so the story goes and goes and goes and goes and goes and goes the end

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