Jeff's Side of the Story.
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Jeff's Side of the Story.

(Use a Henry Rollins Type Voice While Reading This)

Jeff's Sexy Page.

Being a member of Chunk and the Goonies is like having the clap; you are in it for life. Goonies never die, what a great motto to live by. This is at least what we all thought as we were riding the mighty wave of stardom, that led us collapsing upon the glass covered shores of mental diarrhea. I will take you on a journey covering the depths of a hard working rock band with dedicated musicians: The Ups and Downs, The Drug Addiction, Public Urination, Criminal Tresspassing, Killer Easter Bunnies, and Even the Terrifying Reality of Calling it Quits.



In late 1996, in a Burger King, Derek, Jeff, and Nick hung out for the first time. Little did they know, that they would end up hanging out a whole lot more.

This night Nick asked Jeff to be in a band with him. The main goal of the band was to have serious music, with funny lyrics. Derek promptly added that he could play drums. The band was formed.

After Burger King, the young punk kids, decided to walk to the movie theater that was nearby. On the way Nick developed a pain in his abdominal area, and Jeff and Derek carried him into the bathroom. Nicholas Dohn Henning at age 16, had diarrhea. But, this wouldn't be the only experience with a movie theater and bodily functions for the newly formed dork squad.

The events following the movie theater were coincidental luck. The three guys wanted another guitarist. In Nick's words, "I am a mediocre guitarist at best,I need someone else". That someone else was the legendary Sam Cook. Sam agreed to join the band in the fall of 1996. He was tired of his boyfreind Hickey, because all Hickey wanted to do was drive mopeds, steal golf carts, and make out with Mr. Pelc(Kevin Pelc's dad with a missing rib). Sam wanted to clean up his act, but the three deviants had another plan. They eventually would have Sam singing about pee, poop, and tossed salads.

At this point the band was not named, until one day Derek told Jeff that he looked like that fat ass kid from the movie "The Goonies", Chunk. A few days later there was universal decision for the name, Chunk and the Goonies. The Goonies were formed.

After a few months the group learned how to play the songs: Berserker, Big Bottom, and Superstar by the Carpenters. They found a mentally challenged boy, Seth Birchfield, to run cameras and to masterbate during every practice in Jeff's basement. Jeremy Noel was also acquired in these first few months. He was dubbed P-R Man, and was forced to wear an extremly smelly shirt for 2 months that advertised the Goonies first big concert.

JEFF--"I can still remember waiting and anticipating playing, the day of our concerts. We talked about how Kenny Whicker shoved drum sticks up his butt to play faster, listened to pump up the jams by Technotronic to pump us up, and endured hours of male masterbating (playing cards) bonding time."

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