Bata-kun no Uchi - Ins and Outs

The Ins and Outs page is where I say what stuff is in for me and what's out. In other words, the "in" section has stuff that I like and the "out" section has stuff I don't like or stuff I'm not that interested in. Oh and the difference between, say "Always in" and "Currently in"? "Always in" has stuff I will always love and "Currently in" has stuff I am into as of this moment.

Mizuki Kahou-sensei!
The Kazama siblings - Akira and Daigou.

Always in Always out
"Love Hina" School and any work in general
"Card Captor Sakura’s" manga Majority of the new school games
Ah, anime, manga and manhwa in general People who have no etiquette or who don’t respect others
Eurobeat and my other favorite music genres Reality
Fun old school games Sega of America
"Justice Gakuen" Bogus rumors, especially from the Internet
"Mega Tokyo" Any dubbing company that screws up its dubs
Futaba Hotaru My constant lack of sleep
Religion and the divine stuff I have been given

Currently in Currently out
The "Air" trailer and advertisements for the anime. The withering of some sites.
"Espgaluda's" AST. Waiting for the conclusion of "Hummingbird".
Having thoughts about doing the translations of the last two OVA's of "Hummingbird". (I am serious.) These school matters I'll deal with for the next nine days or so.
"Uta Kata". "Samurai Champloo". (Funny because this used to be in the "Currently in" section.)
"Dead or Alive Ultimate". "SNK vs. Capcom Chaos".
"Tales of Phantasia" anime. Constant typers blocks.
"To Heart II" not getting anymore delays. "To Heart II's" amount of delays.
Me having money for the first time in a while. The amount of anime subtractions I have to make for the Media Factory scenario.
"Suchie Pai's" revival. Me trying to make songs.
"Jniky de Tsukamaete". My lack of motivation to do anything.
"Sunao na Mama". Me being busy a lot.
"Beyond the Clouds". The "Black/Matrix" mystery chewing me up as always. (I'm still hot on the trail though.)
Poker. My search for an arcade place that has "Espgaluda".
The search for the final "Tokimemo OVA". My old computer lying to me on how much room I have.
"Mizuiro Jidai". The fact that I'm behind on future updates.
"Negima's anime", which is surprising because I don't expect much. The constant problems these new computers have been giving me.
Change counting. (Don't ask why.) My alarm clock.

Last update - 1/1/05
