Title - Nintendo Super Family Computer
Alternative title(s) - Super Nintendo Entertainment System
When you ask a video game fan what their favorite system of all time is, chances are that the choice will be the Super Famicom or the Super Nintendo Entertainment System for many of you. That's no big surprise. Some of them will actually say that it is the best system ever.
Honestly, I don't think that a system can grab that title in my opinion. I mean, I can pick any system to at least be the best system of all time and I can mention a few flaws about it. Super Famicom, Famicom, Game Boy and the newer models, Dreamcast, Saturn, Play Station and its recent forms, I can name a flaw in these systems and with the flaws I have said, it would be hard to figure out what is the best system ever. I can say one statement about the Super Famicom: if you want to play on one of the funnest systems ever, play on the Super Famicom.
The Super Famicom was first released in 1990. At the time, Nintendo just recently revived the video game world. The Super Famicom would later be released outside of Japan a year later.
As you would suspect, the Super Famicom was really popular. This can definitely be said in various countries like Japan, America, England, the Philippines or any other country. The advertising, the library, the support from other companies, the American branch, Nintendo had it all. Just like the Famicom, the Super Famicom did whatever it took to drive out the competition.
With all this in mind, it got me wondering why wasn't I hired by Nintendo of America. I would have it all! A Japanese translator, fame, I would definitely have it all!
There were many lessons about this system that I never learned when I was growing up. One lesson to remember is that the Super Famicom was supposed to have a disc system, but do you know the Play Station? That's your Super Famicom disc system right there.
Fun - 10
I can say so many reasons why this system will always been fun. Your Famicom classics are back and better than ever. "Super Mario World", "Super Donkey Kong", "Super Meteroid", the games are as good as the prequels.
This isn't just the system of just beefed up Famicom classics. Oh no. This is the system that so many series get their starts. For example, "Breath of Fire" first appeared on the Super Famicom. It's one of the best role playing game series that doesn't start with "Final" and ends in "Fantasy". If you don't know, it's actually a series by Capcom.
What else is there to say? Some of the great games include "Final Fantasy IV", "Final Fantasy VI", "Chrono Trigger", both "Super Mario World" games, both "Breath of Fire" games, "Area 88", "Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce", "Seiken Densetsu II" and so much more. If the games I have mentioned as of now don't convince you to sit tight and play the system, then I'm stumped.
There's one point many people overlook in this system. They forget to mention the games that weren't released outside of Japan. Games like "Tokimeki Memorial", "Hameln no Violin Tamaki", and "Seiken Densetsu III" make us wonder why did these games never leave the land of the rising sun.
Whether a game left Japan or not, there is one point I can be certain about. That point is that the system really, really gave me a lot of fun. There's no doubt about that.
Life - 10
The Super Famicom did entertain and still does entertain me in my life. That's for sure.
Equipment - 10
The system is pretty durable. I love the look of the system. We even have the always nice Eject button on the system. Now I don't have to yank out a game with effort.
The controller has the same four direction buttons and the Start button as well as the Select button. What's new this time around is that there are now six trigger buttons instead of two. Two of those buttons are shoulder buttons. Although I had to adjust my controls for a Street Fighter II game a bit, I did not have any irritating problems with the button layout.
The other parts to the system were fine. The Super Game Boy was a very good idea. Playing your favorite Game Boy game on your Super Famicom was not only nice, but it saved you moments of frustration if your batteries died out. =P
Audio - 9
Remember the song in the first level of "Super Mario Brothers"? Remember the theme song of "Zelda no Densetsu"? The Famicom did produce some of the best songs ever in their games and the Super Famicom made them sound even better in terms of hearing quality.
Even though the audio has improved overall, I can't be cheating here and give it a perfect score. The reason is because at times, the quality of a voice or sound can slip downwards a bit. If you would hear Makona's "Puu!" calls in "Rayearth" for example, you'd know what I mean. Other than that, there's not much else to complain about.
Art - 10
Well, what do we have here? We have Famicom art with more polishing than ever. We have very good art in various games.
When I first saw "Super Mario World", I was like, "This is 'Super Mario World'?" I mean, "Super Mario Brothers III" was good enough already and now that this game was released, I was back into my amazement state. It showed that Nintendo really polished the art up.
Overall - 10
If you have not played on this system yet, stop what you are doing. Go and remember the days of fun as you play on the Super Famicom! Arigat gozaimasu Nintendo! ^_^
The amount of fun, the art, the equipment, the Super Famicom is a classic.
Other than a few minor flaws, there's not much to complain about here.
Date of creation - 7/30/03
Last update - 8/11/04