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This candle will burn for Brooke until she is brought back home!
Corvallis Police Dept.
(877) 367-2270
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REWARD: $6,000
A fund has been set up by Brooke's family and donations will be used for rewards for information related to the safe return of Brooke Wilberger. (This fund is by her family. Guarding Angels is not receiving any money from this.) Donations can be sent to:

OSU Federal Credit Union
c/o Brooke Wilberger Donation Fund
P.O. Box 306
Corvallis, OR 97339-0306

You may also make a donation ON-LINE HERE
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Brooke Carol Wilberger

If you would like to volunteer to help find Brooke Wilberger please e-mail us at: Volunteer Information For Brooke or call the volunteer number listed at: Volunteer Info..

If you have information concerning this abduction, please contact:
Brooke Wilberger's Tipline (877) 367-2270, or
Dial 9-1-1, or you may call your nearest police station.


FULL NAME: Brooke Carol Wilberger
CASE TYPE: Endangered Missing Adult
DATE MISSING: May 24, 2004
TIME MISSING: Between 10:00-10:30 a.m.
ADDRESS LAST SEEN: 1219 SW 26th Street (See Map)
CITY/STATE: Corvallis, OR
LAST SEEN: She was last seen cleaning lamp posts in the Oak Park Apartment complex (See Map) that her sister & brother-in-law managed. Her sister left for a minute and Brooke was gone when she returned.
DATE OF BIRTH: February 20, 1985 (Fresno, CA)
SEX: Female
RACE: White
HEIGHT: 5'4" (Petite/athletic)
WEIGHT: 110 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
HAIR LENGTH/TYPE: Shoulder length.

JEWELRY: She was wearing small hoop earrings, a ring with "CTR" engraved on it and possibly a silver watch. ("CRT" stands for "Choose The Right", a common symbol worn by Mormon youth.)

SCARS/MARKS: Brooke has a scar extending from her right wrist to her elbow from a previous gymnastics accident. She has a piercing in the top of her right ear without an earring.

DENTAL HISTORY: Unavailable.

LAST SEEN WEARING: She was last seen wearing a Indigo hooded sweatshirt, Gray Brigham Young University T-shirt, dark blue jeans, small hoop earrings, possibly a silver watch, a ring with "CTR" engraved on itand NO shoes. (Her sandals were found at the scene next to the spilled bucket of water she had been using.)

BROOKE'S VOICE: Click to hear Brooke's voice. (This was recorded on her voicemail the night before her abduction.)

EDUCATION: Brooke has completed her freshmen year at Brigham Young University as a pre-elementary education major, and has enrolled for next fall term. Brooke has been studying speech pathology, & hopes to work with children with speech impediments. She graduated last year from Elmira High School near Eugene, Oregon, where she played soccer and track.

MAN ARRESTED IN BROOKE'S CASE: A man being held in a New Mexico jail on unrelated kidnapping and rape charges has been charged with aggravated murder in the disappearance of Oregon native Brooke Wilberger. Joel Patrick Courtney, 39, was placed on a "fugitive hold" after being served with an Oregon arrest warrant at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Albuquerque. He's jailed there while awaiting trial on charges that he attacked another female college student. That incident occurred six months after Wilberger's disappearance. Corvallis police Lt. Ron Noble indicated that authorities still have not found Wilberger's body. There will be a press conference on August 3, 2005. (We will keep you updated.)

REWARD: $6,000

AS OF JUNE 5, 2004: As of June 5, 2004 there has been approximately 1,200 volunteers, searchers have covered more than 4,200 acres; and police have received over 1,700 tips from the community.



DRINKING HABITS: Non-drinker & did not party. She is a devout Mormon who does not drink, smoke, or party.

FAVORITE FOODS: Brooke loves pizza, string cheese, & the cold cut combo sandwich from Subway.

OTHER HABITS: Brooke is a deeply religious girl, is an honor student, an athlete, and well-liked by friends and neighbors. She is also described as very responsible & very reliable and just a wonderful person.

EMPLOYMENT: Brooke spent her freshmen year at BYU, living in the Deseret Tower dorms. She worked at a student cafeteria where co-workers describe her as very trustworthy.

VEHICLE: 1999 Ford Contour (Beige). Her own car was still in the parking lot. She left behind her car, keys, and other personal belongings including her shoes and cell phone.

CIRCUMSTANCES: Police believe that Brooke was abducted on May 24, 2004 while cleaning outdoor lamp posts outside the Oak Park Apartments located at 1219 SW 26th Street near the Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. (See Map) Her sister left for a few minutes and Brooke was gone when she returned. She had been visiting her sister and brother-in-law in Corvallis at the time she disappeared. The apartment complex is managed by her sister & brother-in-law. Wilberger is reportedly a very responsible, stable person with no reason to leave. There is evidence of a struggle at the scene leading police to believe she may have been kidnapped. Brooke's purse, keys, and other personal items had been left in her sister's Corvallis apartment and her car was still in the parking lot. A piece of clothing belonging to Brooke was found in the complex's parking lot. Brook's flip-flop type sandals were found in the parking lot separated by a few feet and turned to the side at an angle. Brooke graduated last year from Elmira High School near Eugene, OR where she played soccer and track. She has been studying speech pathology at Brigham Young. Brooke is a devout Mormon who doesn't smoke, drink or party. Her longtime boyfriend, Justin Blake, is in Venezuela on a Mormon mission.

Please sign Brooke's Guestbook to show your support to her and her family before you leave. Click to Sign Guestbook

The family needs your assistance in finding Brooke. If you can offer goods or services that you feel would benefit the search for Brooke please let the family know. To volunteer call 541-740-3640, or feel free to fill out the on-line volunteer form. You can also send an e-mail to

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