Please put a banner on your website to help us find LaToyia Figueroa. You can also help by contacting businesses in your local area and asking them to add LaToyia's banner to their website as well. The more we get her story out the faster we will be able to find LaToyia. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me. Thank you for your help! .
You can help find LaToyia Figueroa by placing her banner on your webpage with a link to her website.
Pick which banner you would like for your website and then right click on it and hit the "Save As" option and save it to your OWN server please. E-mail me the link to the page you put it on and I will add it to our link page to let others know you are helping to find LaToyia. E-mail if you have any questions.
Printable Missing Person Labels For Putting On Outgoing Mail
(Use Address Labels: Avery #8160)
Click on label to print a sheet of labels
(Click on banner to view other missing person cases.)