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Song Playing: Travels

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All Pictures taken in the
State of New Mexico

all Images © copyright 2006
Muledeer,Grant County NM Guesthouse View Mountain Top Mine , Near Mogollon NM Mountain View, Gila Wilderness NM
Mule Deer GuestHouse View Mountain Top Mine Gila National Forest, NM
High Desert, Looking torwards Silver City NM Old Building in Mogollon, NM Gift Shop in Mogollon NM Entering Mogollon New Mexico, Ghost Town , was an Old Mining town that Mined , Silver , Gold and Copper in the 1800's., Which was carried out by horse and cart.
High Dersert Ghost Town, Mogollon NM Gift Shop, Mogollon NM Entering Mogollon
Old mine in Mogollon New Mexico, We looked in there, Its very deep! Mountain Road with a View Mountains in New Mexico The Road to Mogollon New Mexico at about 10 thousand feet elevation
Old Mine in Mogollon Mountain Road Mountain Beauty Road to Mogollon
All Images Copyright © 2003,2004,3005,2006 Laura's Place
All Rights Reserved

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