This chart exists solely as an attempt to catalog all the various weapon abilities I've encountered in my library of 3E books. I'm sure there's plenty more out there, and if you find (or create) a special ability that's not on this list, we'll talk over coffee and you'll probably get it added to the list as well as your weapon.
Ability |
Equiv. Bonus |
C.L. |
Prerequisites1 |
Brief Description |
Source |
Acidic Burst | +2 | 12th | acid fog, acid storm, Melf's acid arrow or storm of vengeance | As corrosive weapon. Plus, deals an additional 1d10 HP acid damage on critical hit if x2. Deals 2d10 if x3 & 3d10 if x4. | Magic of Faerūn |
Agility | +1, +2, +3 | 5th | caster level must 3x weapon's bonus, resistance | Gives wielder a +2, +4, or +6 resistance bonus on all Reflex saves. | Oriental Adventures |
Anarchic |
+2 |
7th |
creator must be chaotic, chaos hammer |
Chaos-aligned & bypasses DR/chaos. Deals +2d6 HP to lawful creatures. Gives 1 negative level to lawful creature who wields it. |
Ancient | +1 | 6th | magic weapon | Hardness and HP of weapon are doubled. | Mercenaries |
Arcane Puissance | +1 | 11th | Tenser's transformation | Wielder gains +1 competence bonus to attack per two 2 arcane spellcaster levels. | Relics & Rituals II |
Axiomatic |
+2 |
7th |
creator must be lawful, order's wrath |
Law-aligned & bypasses DR/law. Deals +2d6 HP to chaotic creatures. Gives 1 negative level to chaotic creature who wields it. |
Balance | +1 | 5th | cat's grace | Gives wielder a +8 competence bonus on all Balance checks. | Oriental Adventures |
Bane |
+1 |
8th |
summon monster I |
Against designated foe (see chart in DMG), its effective enhancement bonus +2 better than normal, and it deals +2d6 HP to that foe. |
Blurring | +5 | 3rd | blur | Makes wielder appear blurred and hazy. | Oriental Adventures |
Bonding | +1 | 13th | Bigby's grasping hand | Wielder cannot be disarmed of this weapon. | Mercenaries |
Brilliant Energy |
+4 |
16th |
gaseous form, continual flame |
Gives off light as torch. Ignores non-living matter, like armor & shields. Weight not affected. |
Ceremonial | +1 | 4th | alter self | Wielder gains +5 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy. | Mercenaries |
Corrosive | +1 | 10th | acid fog, acid storm, Melf's acid arrow or storm of vengeance | Becomes slick with thick acid on command. Deals extra 1d6 HP fire damage. | Magic of Faerūn |
Dancing |
+4 |
15th |
animate objects |
May be loosed to attack on its own for 4 rounds, then drops (or the wielder may grasp it). Must rest for 4 rounds before being employed again. |
Deathbane | +2 | 9th | cure moderate wounds, detect undead | Must also have ghost touch or undead bane ability. Critical hits vs. undead inflict +1d10 HP positive energy damage if target fails Fort save DC 14. Also shines in the presence of undead. | Relics & Rituals II |
Defending |
+1 |
8th |
shield or shield of faith |
May transfer some or all of weapon's enhancement bonus(es) to the wielder's AC. |
Demonbane | +2 | 8th | detect evil, holy smite | Must also have the evil outsider bane ability. Critical hits vs. evil outsiders inflict +5d8 holy damage if target fails Ref save DC 16. Also detects evil at will. | Relics & Rituals II |
Disarming | +2 | 7th | Eliminates foe's bonuses for both weapon size and two-handed weapons. Wielder gains +1 to attack roll for disarming purposes only. | Magic of Faerūn | |
Dispelling | +1 | 10th | dispel magic | Melee weapons only. 1/day wielder can make an attack that acts as a targeted dispel magic. | Magic of Faerūn |
Displacement | +5 | 5th | displacement | Makes wielder appear to be standing next to his actual position. | Oriental Adventures |
Disruption |
+2 |
14th |
heal |
Bludgeoning weapons only. Undead struck with weapon must make Will save DC 14 or be destroyed. |
Distance |
+1 |
6th |
clairaudience/ clairvoyance |
Ranged weapons only. Doubles range increment. |
Domineering | +3 | 11th | fear | Anyone attacking the wielder must make Will save DC 16 or fight defensively. | Magic of Faerūn |
Doomwarding | +3 | 13th | limited wish | Made with 7 seven charges. 1 charge may be used to gain an extra partial action in a round. Or, 1 charge may be used to reroll any die. Up to 2 charges may be used in a round, one of each kind. | Magic of Faerūn |
Elemental Aura | +3 | 15th | blindness/deafness, chill metal, flame blade, lightning bolt, Melf's acid arrow | Deals extra 1d6 HP of an elemental damage of wielder's choice (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic). Damage type may be changed 1/round as free action. | Magic of Faerūn |
Empowerment | +3 | 13th | greater magic weapon, spell turning | Melee weapons only. Absorbs one spell/round cast at wielder (up to 10 spell levels, which fade away at 2 levels/minute). Each 2 spell levels absorbed gives wielder +1 to attack, dmg & saves. | Relics & Rituals II |
Everbright | +2 | 12th | blindness/deafness, searing light | Flashed with brilliant light up to 2/day on command. All w/in 20' (except wielder) must make Ref save DC 14 or be blinded 1d4 rounds. | Magic of Faerūn |
Flaming | +1 | 10th | flame blade, flame strike or fireball | Sheathed in fire on command. Deals extra 1d6 HP fire damage. | DMG |
Flaming Burst | +2 | 12th | flame blade, flame strike or fireball | As flaming weapon. Plus, deals an additional 1d10 HP fire damage on critical hit if x2. Deals 2d10 if x3 & 3d10 if x4. | DMG |
Flying | +1 | 9th | animate objects, fly or telekinesis | Melee weapon only. Weapon flies at 30'/round & obeys owner to the limits of its physical abilities. | Magic of Faerūn |
Flying II | +3 | 5th | fly | Up to 3/day, wielder can fly for up to 50 minutes. Weapons pulls PC through the air. | Oriental Adventures |
Focused | +1 | 6th | magic weapon | On a successful hit, weapon delivers any touch spell previously cast into it. | Mercenaries |
Force | +3 | 10th | bull's strength, gust of wind | Successful hit immediately initiates a bull rush combat maneuver as a free action. Wielder can suppress. | Mercenaries |
Frost | +1 | 8th | chill metal or ice storm | Sheathed in icy cold on command. Deals extra 1d6 HP cold damage. | DMG |
Furious | +2 | 5th | emotion | Enhances the rage of a character with that ability, increasing to +6 STR, +6 CON & +3 Will. Also enhances greater rage similarly. | Oriental Adventures |
Ghost Touch | +1 | 9th | plane shift | Deals damage normally to incorporeal creatures, regardless of bonus. Can be wielded by incorporeal creatures. | DMG |
Healing | +5 | 18th | aid, heal, regenerate | Wielder regenerates 1 HP per round up to 25/day. | Mercenaries |
Holy | +2 | 7th | holy smite | Good-aligned & bypasses DR/good. Deals +2d6 HP to evil creatures. Gives 1 negative level to evil creature who wields it. | DMG |
Honorable | +2 | 7th | creator must be LN or LG, castigate | Deals +2d6 HP damage against "dishonorable" creatures, incl. non-good and non-lawful alignments, those associated with Shadow, or those who have violated the Code of their class. | Oriental Adventures |
Icy Burst | +2 | 10th | chill metal or ice storm | As frost weapon. Plus, deals an additional 1d10 HP cold damage on critical hit if x2. Deals 2d10 if x3 & 3d10 if x4. | DMG |
Imbuement | +1 | 7th | Missile weapons only. Ammunition can be "charged" with any 0- to 3rd-level touch spell. Spell is cast upon whatever ammo hits. | Relics & Rituals II | |
Impact | +1 | 10th | weapon of impact | Bludgeoning weapons only. Doubles critical threat range. In Lorenvale this ability does stack with the Improved Critical feat. | Magic of Faerūn |
Initiative | +2 | 5th | haste | Gives wielder +2 luck bonus to initiative. | Oriental Adventures |
Invisible | +2 | 6th | improved invisibility | Weapon is invisible. Spot DC 30 to notice its presence. Wielder is +1 to hit. | Mercenaries |
Jumping | +3 | 5th | jump, mage hand | Acts as a ring of feather falling. Also, once per 2 rounds, wielder gains +30 bonus to Jump checks. | Magic of Faerūn |
Keen | +1 | 10th | keen edge | Slashing or piercing weapons only. Doubles critical threat range. Does not stack with keen edge, but in Lorenvale it does stack with the Improved Critical feat. | DMG |
Ki Focus |
+1 |
8th |
creator must be a monk |
Only melee weapons. Allows a monk to deliver ki attacks (stunning attack, ki strike, quivering palm, Stunning Fist feat) with the weapon. |
Knockback | +3 | 11th | repulsion | Melee weapons only. Drives targets back 10' if target fails Fort save DC 19. Also, if save fails, make 2nd Fort save DC 19 or be stunned 1 round. | Magic of Faerūn |
Merciful |
+1 |
5th |
cure light wounds |
Weapon deals extra 1d6 HP damage, and ALL damage is non-lethal. May be suppressed on command. |
Mighty Cleaving | +1 | 8th | divine power | Allows wielder with Cleave feat to make an additional attempt in a round | DMG |
Mighty Smiting | +1 | 8th | divine power | Allows wielder with Smite ability to use it one additional time per day. | Oriental Adventures |
Passage | +4 | 15th | plane shift | 1/day wielder can slice open a portal that works as the plane shift spell, but remains open only 1d4 minutes. | Oriental Adventures |
Precise | +1 | 5th | creator must have Precise Shot feat | Ranged weapons only. Grants the Precise Shot feat to any wielder who doesn't already have it. | Magic of Faerūn |
Proficient | +1 | 10th | divine power, keen, true strike | Grants proficiency with this weapon to anyone who wields it. | Mercenaries |
Quick-loading | +2 | 9th | Leomund's secret chest, shrink item | Crossbows only. Up to 100 bolts (even of mixed types) stored in extra-dimensional space. Reloading a hand or light crossbow is a free action, and wielder may freely choose what type of ammo to fire. | Magic of Faerūn |
Radiant Holding | +3 | 9th | magic missile, hold monster | Only missile ammo. Ammo deals 1 HP force damage instead of normal damage, and target must make Will save DC 17 or be held. | Magic of Faerūn |
Reach | +3 | 12th | astral projection | Only small or medium melee weapons. On command, weapon may be used to hit targets up to 10' away with no penalty. | Mercenaries |
Returning |
+1 |
7th |
telekinesis |
Only thrown weapons. After its attack, the weapon flies back to the one who threw it. Catch as a free action just before next turn. |
Screaming | +1 | 10th | shout or sound burst | Emits low hum that is grating to the ears. Deals extra 1d6 HP sonic damage. | Magic of Faerūn |
Seeking |
+1 |
12th |
true seeing |
Only ranged weapons. Ammunition veers toward target, negating miss chances. Attacker must still aim. |
Shattering | +1 | 9th | shatter | Always deals double damage to all non-living objects. | Mercenaries |
Shock |
+1 |
8th |
call lightning or lightning bolt |
Sheathed in crackling electricity on command. Deals extra 1d6 HP electricity damage. |
Shocking Burst |
+2 |
10th |
call lightning or lightning bolt |
As shock weapon. Plus, deals an additional 1d10 HP electricity damage on critical hit if x2. Deals 2d10 if x3 & 3d10 if x4. |
Silent Moves | +1 | 5th | silence | Gives wielder a +10 circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks. | Oriental Adventures |
Silverbane | +1 | 8th | polymorph other | Must also have the shapechanger bane ability. Critical hits vs. shapechangers force the creature into original form if target fails Fort save DC 14. | Relics & Rituals II |
Socketed | varies | var | Metal (mostly) weapons only. Channels the sympathetic resonances of a one-carat gem. Unlike other abilities, the base weapon need not possess an enhancement bonus of any kind. | home | |
Speed |
+3 |
7th |
haste |
During full attack action, wielder may make one additional attack at full attack bonus. Does not stack with haste spell. |
Spellblade | +1 | 13th | spell turning | Wielder is immune to one spell chosen at weapon creation. If spell is targeted at wielder, weapon absorbs it. On next turn, wielder may let the spell energy drain away, or he may direct the spell at a new target as a free action. | Magic of Faerūn |
Spell Storing |
+1 |
12th |
Stores a single targeted spell of up to 3rd level (with a casting time of 1 action). Wielder can discharge the spell (once) at will as a free action when he hits. |
Sure Striking | +1 | 6th | greater magic weapon | Grants ability similar to greater magic weapon. | Magic of Faerūn |
Sweeping | +1 | 5th | bull's strength | Grants +4 bonus to Strength checks during trip attacks. | Magic of Faerūn |
Thundering |
+1 |
5th |
blindness/deafness |
Creates deafening roar with critical hit, dealing extra 1d8 HP sonic damage if critical is x2; extra 2d8 if x3; extra 3d8 if x4. Target must make Fort save DC 14 or be permanently deaf. |
Throwing |
+1 |
5th |
magic stone |
Melee weapons only. Weapon gains range increment of 10 feet and can be thrown with no penalty. |
Unholy |
+2 |
7th |
unholy blight |
Evil-aligned & bypasses DR/evil. Deals +2d6 HP to good creatures. Gives 1 negative level to good creature who wields it. |
Vampiric | +2 | 7th | vampiric touch | Targets hit must make a Fort Save DC 16 or lose an additional 1d4 HP, which are immediately added to the wielder's total as temporary HP. | Magic of Faerūn |
Venomous | +1 | 9th | poison | 1/day this weapon can inflict a poison spell DC 14 on target. Can decide to use the ability after he hits as a free action. | Magic of Faerūn |
Vicious |
+1 |
9th |
enervation |
Only melee weapons. Additional 2d6 HP damage to target, but 1d6 HP damage to wielder. |
Vorpal |
+5 |
18th |
circle of death, keen edge |
Slashing weapons only. Severs the head of target on a natural critical hit (in Lorenvale). |
Warning | +1 | 7th | caster must have Uncanny Dodge ability | Wielder never loses DEX bonus to AC if caught flat-footed. Does not stack with uncanny dodge. | Magic of Faerūn |
Wounding |
+2 |
10th |
Mordenkainen's sword |
Deals 1 point of Constitution damage when it hits; critical hits do not multiply this damage. |
1All prerequisites include the item creation feat Craft Magic Arms & Armor.