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Literary Works

Some of you may have found me via 'Bloodstone' or 'In Blood We Lust', but believe me, things have changed a lot for me since those days.

In 2008, a new - and in some ways very old - muse swept into my life, and changed everything. I began writing again in earnest, more seriously, and with every intention of getting the new work published. Agents wouldn't touch me (as much for my notoriety over 'In Blood We Lust', I suspect), so I came up with two new aliases and decided to cut out the middle-men and self-publish.

In 2013 I set up Penmara Publishing, my e-pub wing, and I currently have 7 titles available.

Dark Heart of Sherwood is a twist on the conventional tale of Robin Hood's derring-do, my hero being Sir Guy of Gisborne, the titular dark heart of Sherwood, who is about to discover adventures he has never before contemplated...
Blood of the White Rose is the tale of Richard Plantagenet and an unlikely love affair that will come to span the rest of his life, from carefree hours in a river meadow to the bloody field of Bosworth...
Unconditional is my first (and probably last) attempt at something truly 'girly', a meditation on love, loss, betrayal and forgiveness, and the redemptive nature of a close bond between a woman and her four-legged friends...
The Twisted Skeins of a Family Tapestry sprang out of my investigations into my own family tree and is a twin-era mystery of incest, murder and revenge...
Orphic Resonance was a five year project that is deeply personal to me and my muse, but I've put it out there as a testament to the inspiration he's given me since 2008 when he crashed into my life so unexpectedly...

The Glimstone Crown is the first of my Tolkien homages, a spin-off alternative to the way The Hobbit ended. Two sequels have already been written but are awaiting publication as yet...
The Shivering Fields is a 17th romp through the Wiltshire countryside, involving a shapeshifting pagan goddess, some crop circles, and a witch trial or two for good measure...

Bloodstone Launch Issue
Bloodstone Issue 1
Bloodstone Issue 2
Bloodstone Issue 3
Bloodstone Issue 4
Bloodstone Issue 5
In Blood We Lust *Adult Content!*