Maralal International Camel Derby

Application Form for Derby

You can download your application form from the Link above, and send it in direct or include it with a reservation at Maralal Safari Lodge . This can be e-mailed to the address shown on our Home Page .

Each October this annual three day event is held in Maralal. The race is very well supported, and are tremendous international successes. It is an hilarious event for amateurs, and an exciting one for professionals. No matter what your experience, you can join in.

Maralal Safari Lodge is the venue of choice for the world's jounalists, so if you want to come, book early.

Camel racing in Kenya is recognised not only as a serious international sports and a great tourist attraction but also as a positive way to create awareness of the desertification of Kenya

Several years ago the event was rated among one of the world's events in the "Year of African Tourism".

The aim also is to create a focal point in justifying and attracting interest in better camel breeding among the people of North Eastern Kenya and to better understand the benefits that such camels can bring to these desert and arid land inhabitants.

The Kenyan national herd of over one million animals is being rapidly improved and there is an ongoing overflow from Somalia herds of 5.6 million animals, many of which have filtered into Kenya.

From the programme for the next few years it can be seen that not only has an international forum been created for desert racing but also the organisation of a regular camel endurance race of 15 days over 660kms through the deserts and arid areas of Kenya.

This camel race is affiliated to the Federation of International Camel Race Associations (FICRA) which is spreading outside of the traditional areas to countries like Somalia, S. Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Eritrea, Senegal and Pakistan, Brunei, Iran, Afghanistan, Botswana, Namibia.

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