Animals in the area

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Giraffe are one of the few animals that will pose for your camera. Most game runs as soon as you point a camera. I have a photo collection of animal rumps!


Leopard are native to the hills of Maralal, and you may be lucky enough to see one. They are under pressure, because herdsmen justifiably fear for their goats. If you do find one, it is likely to be above you on a rock or tree branch, looking for an opportunity to mug something. I spotted this one up a tree, eying some impala, and the camoflage is effective as can be seen.


Lion are generally not dangerous to humans unless provoked or injured. The females hunt for the pride, and provide the males with the pick of their labours. But males in bachelor clubs have to indulge in some hunting of their own.

During the day, lion are to be seen relaxing in the shade, but are active from dusk to dawn. The best time to see lion is around sunrise or sunset.

The Lion's Honeymoon is justly famous.

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