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The Mississippi River

An Integrated Curriculum for High School Students (Grades 10,11,12)




Wetlands project and visit

Sedimentation deposition

Alluvial valley, marine delta discussion

Community metabolism in a freshwater system

Rivers and flooding discussion


Algebra, analytic geometry, trigonometry, basic calculus


Waterbasins and watersheds


Reading/Language Arts

Read Life on the River

Read Stacks and write literary criticism

Write a research paper on any topic that relates to the river

History/Social Science

Research and create timeline - class project and two minute presentation

Compare to given timeline

Discuss economic impact of the river on local and national levels.

Read excerpts from Environmental Politics

Suggest an economic solution to an environmental problem

Visual/Performing Arts

Write two paragraph essay on river painting or photograph

Paint in the style of a river picture

Write a poem inspired by a painting

Watch PBS documentary "River of Song"

Current Issues

Read article about "dead zone" and discuss

Optional in class debate between key players

"Yesterday and Today" interview and written summary