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The Mississippi River

An Integrated Curriculum for Middle School (Grades 7,8,9)


The science component of this curriculum can be found  here


Click  here for sample math problems.


A blank U.S. state map can be found  here.

Reading/Language Arts

History/Social Science

Visual and Performing Arts

Current Issues

Creative Writing Project
    Imagine that you are a person or object somewhere along the river ( a piece of sediment, a pilot, a gambler, a fish. . .).  Describe your journey along the river.  Where did you join the river? Where do you expect to end up? What do you see and do?

Reading List

– Biography of Mark Twain
– Excerpts from Huck Finn    Mark Twain
• Discuss the social implications of this novel
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry  Mildred Taylor
My Louisiana Sky    Kimberly Willis Holt
Wynton Marsalis: Gifted Trumpet Player   Leslie Gourse