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The Spanish War

Its an arcane era of interest I suppose - but to the 21st century eye, and because it is probably one of America's most little-discussed historical periods, it lends itself to what thus becomes a sort of exotic-looking universe. After all, the person unused to this period often finds themselves asking, "What is this - cowboys and colonialism??"



A model of the USS Maine - and TR. 


The truth is sometimes I can't imagine why the history of this transitional period doesn't get the import it ought to get. A country that had been so insular that its greatest national adventure was a bloody fight within itself now finds itself thrust onto the world stage for - really - the first time in its history (to such a degree).

Suddenly the ethics of the prairies met head on with the dogmas of foreign colonial powers. Turn-of-the-century big city bosses and Spanish Regents. A Rough Rider and a Kaiser. And it is sad to think that there are still some of our own countrymen - now, in the present day - who think of that era as something to be ashamed of in that we seemed to have tossed aside our visions of freedom and turned to building an empire on the backs of the third world. That criticism is, I think, uninformed.

It is true that the assault on Cuba followed what is probably still the single greatest outpouring of national approval for war that the USA had or has ever experienced. But to think that decent Americans didn't themselves struggle with what it meant to suddenly have a stake in the under-developed countries of the world - and how that related to democratic principles and life in a free society - is to be nothing more than overly cynical about the condition of Man, and the motivations of Americans.

But that's about as much of the soapbox as you'll get for now!

What follows is a small tribute to the boys of '98 interwoven with technical things about - as you can see - diorama and model building.

Palm Trees from SkyBox Treeshope - whoever you are - that you enjoy yourself here!


       THE ATTACK UP SAN JUAN HEIGHTS                                                                        

"Vague orders had been given to troop commanders to position their men at the base of the slope and wait, but now the waiting was turning into a massacre... What was the point of this waiting? They were taking almost as many casualties lying in the grass and jungle as they would in assault... The whole line, tired of waiting and eager to close with the enemy, was straining to go forward (until) 'it seemed that different parts slipped the leash at almost the same moment'."

from David Traxel's "1898: Birth of the American Century" 

Visit the 9th US Infantry, Company C / Living History & Reenactment Group - They have been trying to get me to sign up for over two years now & so far I have evaded service... but even after all this time I haven't given up hope they'll catch me!

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