Benjamin E. Murch Sr with his sister Mrs. Lewis
Benjamin E. Murch Sr taken about 1926
Mark, Benjamin Jr, Bejamin Sr and Henry. The group photo was taken about 1885 Fitchburg.
Benjamin E Murch Sr. was a shipwright on the H.M.S.Crocodile with the British Navy.
This is the back of the picture, "This is the ship father was on." and "Crocodile in breeze off Torbay."
Benjamin E. Murch Sr. with his grandchildren:Dorothy Murch, Charles Murch, and Henry J. Murch Jr. Children of Henry J. Murch Sr. Kenneth C. Murch Sr. son of Benjamin Murch Sr.
Front row: Dorothy (Murch) Dowd, Charles Murch, Elizabeth (Murch) Gifford. Then standing: Henry J. Murch Jr., Benjamin E. Murch Sr., Ethel (Stone) Murch, Millicent (Gambell) Murch, Benjamin E. Murch Jr., Harry O. Murch, Henry J. Murch, Keneth C. Murch Sr.
Benjamin Edward Murch Sr.
Born in Limehouse, London, England, a county of Middlesex, on November 21, 1845. He died on February 22, 1929 and was buried in Forest Hill, Fitchburg, Massachussets. His trade was a shipwright, rigger. His wife was Mary Ann (Outram) Murch. He was naturalized at Worcester Superior Court on the 2nd Monday in November 1882 at F.F. Johnson Clerk of CT. He remarried to Dellalah Bidwell on October 14, 1909. She was born in Farnum, Canada. He had four sons:
He left a four page journal that was hand written by him.
Indentured Servant Papers of his son, Benjamin, learning his trade of a Shipwright.
1851 England Census