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10/9 - Just had one of the best gigs ever!  The Hofstra University Alumni Big Band rules!  Most of my time has been spent running this new group.  Please come out and see us some time.  Click HERE for info.

9/13 - The group has no gigs lined up as of right now.  We have been working extra hard for our debut of the Hofstra University Alumni Big Band.  That will take place Oct. 3rd @ Mixed Notes in Elmont.  There will be some nonet charts performed that night in the second set.  For more info. on the gig, click HERE.   Good luck to our super-sub, Greg German.  He will be touring Europe for an entire year with the traveling production of the broadway musical Fosse.  A YEAR! chicks are freaky.  Also, congrats to Keith, who just got his black belt.  Don't mess with him, he'll punch you in the face.


8/8 - Another night, another adventure.  We welcomed back our drummer Neil last night at The Veranda.  Not the usual big crowd due to the weather, but a great time.  One of my favorite things about this group is when our friends get to sit in and make music with us.  Last night Neal Bellon and Mike Rubenstein from the Hofstra Alumni Big Band sat in.  It was cool how three trumpet players can have completely different sounds.    Should make the big band very interesting.  Also, the newly named MRS. Keith Pray (a.k.a. Katie) sat in on alto sax.  Personally, I think she's going to "Yoko Ono" the band...we'll see.  Alex Avilez  sat in on alto also, but found his way behind the drums.  What happened to you in Puerto Rico??  Alex will be the big band's lead alto.  He rules... and dances funny.

7/26 - Another great time!  The Downtown Cafe in Glenn Cove was fantastic.  Great bar, great people, great staff, and the owner John is a great guy.  We're really looking forward to playing there again.  Hopefully some of you guys will come back.  The Hofstra Alumni Big Band planning is still going well.  Click HERE for more info.

7/25 - Had a great time in Huntington last night.  The gig was great (special thanks to Jean Caze who sat in on the third set...great trumpet player!) but the party afterwards was just silly.  Another great adventure.  I think we may have really upset that girl when we were booed her off the karaoke stage.  We'll be back at the Veranda on Aug. 7th.  Tonight we'll be in Glen Cove at the Downtown Cafe.

More News!  The Hofstra University Big Band now has a web-site.  This seventeen member group features all nine of us, plus another eight musicians that Hofstra has helped mold into the people we are today.   Click HERE to see the web-site.

7/17 - We have two fun shows next week.  We're back in Huntington on the 24th and the next night we play somewhere new.  We'll be at the Downtown Cafe in Glen Cove.

Keep checking the site for more info. on the Hofstra Alumni Big Band.  We've already begun talking to clubs about performing.  Our first gig should be towards the end of Sept.