Julian Crystal Solinde and Sakuya Alora Ellen Alex Vera Nicki
Raleigh Staride It's an ordinary day for young Raleigh Staride, school, over-protective parents and annoying younger brothers. But while this day may be ordinary, Raleigh most certainly is not. She has strange dreams and sees things that can possibly be there, ghosts and demons haunt her. But now a being has started following her, the one called Alpha and though Raleigh does not know, Alpha will be the one to set Raleigh on the path to her destiny.

This is the first chapter in the story “Of Entities and Impossibilities”.

The Stories
Visions Visions Raleigh Staride started her day ordinarily enough, grabbed a bite to eat, double checked her homework, ignored the ghostly figures wandering the front yard. But a woman called Alpha appears to Raleigh, and unlike the other unseen ghosts of Raleigh's, she's solid.
Alpha Alpha
After being hit by a car, Raleigh awakens in a plush room filled with exotic treasures, none the worse for wear. Curiosity overtaking her, she leaves the room and almost immediately runs into an English girl named Crystal, and a pair of Taiwanese twins, Solinde and Sakuya. Alpha re-appears and tells the girls a secret that will change everything for them.
The World of Artana The World of Artana
Raleigh, Crystal, and the twins land in the beautiful world of Artana and are almost instantly crushed by a landslide. With a little luck they are able to escape and Crystal rescues a small furry creature that then attaches itself to her, much to Crystal’s dismay. They wander into a nearby village and meet some decidedly odd characters.

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