The Stories - Continued
Return to Earth Return to Earth
The girls must find two more Spheres of Power to complete Alpha’s task, but only a ‘Reborn’ can access them. There are only four of them and they’ve accessed theirs, so who are the others? It’s time to go home and find out!
Bounty Hunters Bounty Hunters
Something else followed the girls home and they aren’t well wishers, the devious Xirox and sly Lex will stop at nothing to kill the Entities and steal the Spheres of Power from them.
Odd-balls Odd-balls
The Entities are now in Madrid Spain, having been led there by Alpha’s suggestion. Now the frantic search for an Entity begins, can they find him or her out before Xirox and Lex?
Yellow Star Yellow Star
Raleigh has suspicions about a girl she met in the park, she thinks the girl Ellen could be the one they’re looking for. But the others, especially Solinde, aren’t so sure. Closely followed by Lex, Raleigh’s suspicions have put a maybe innocent girl in danger, can they save Ellen in time?
Reunions Reunions
To find the last Sphere of power, the girls go to Crystal’s home in London. Crystal is happy to once again be home, but her joy is distracting her from the search. With Lex still on their trail, her happy homecoming could be cut short.
Angel Wings Angel Wings
The one with the last Sphere of Power is none other then Crystal’s childhood friend, Alora Phemia. But unlike Ellen, she isn’t so eager to embrace this wild dream. Can the Entities convince her before Lex does?
True Pain True Pain
As the Entities try to bring Ellen and Alora up to speed, Raleigh wander off and tries to think things through. All is not right with her, but is hiding something devastating?

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