Jackie Shadra Tobiah Su'gam Quintessence Averaz Davith Eori
Julian It is one month after six girls discovered their unusual and secret past. All six battled for the survival of the Multiverse, only five survived. Crystal, Alora, Ellen and the twins have tried to return to normal lives, but all they have suffered weighs heavily on their souls. Crystal seems to be the one suffering most from all they endured and has been acting strangely, hiccuping bubbles in science, speaking fluently in many languages in English class. If something isn’t done, she could expose them all.

But Crystal isn’t their only problem, a girl from Raleigh’s past has appeared and she wants revenge...

The Stories
Memory’s Curse Memory’s Curse
Hidden Shadows Hidden Shadows
Pawn to Knight Pawn to Knight
It's coming!

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