OEAI: A Beginner's Guide to “Of Entities and Impossibilities”
A Beginner's Guide to OEAI
This site is the number one resource for OEAI. Why is it the number one site? It's the first site.

OEAI or "Of Entities and Impossiblities" is a long and comlex story, so those new to it (which is almost everyone) could find themselves lost amid a sea of information. Hopefully this section will give you a basic understanding of OEAI and its elaborate history.

  1. What is OEAI?
  2. What is OEAI all about?
  3. What are the Entities?
  4. How many Entities are there?
  5. Are the Entities the only species? in OEAI
  6. Are there different planets in OEAI
  7. Do the Entities fight the same villains in every story?
  8. Are there any OEAI spin-offs?
  9. Is OEAI over?
  10. What if I have more questions?

What is OEAI? 1
OEAI is a story. It was begun by an eighth grade student in the year 2000. OEAI has a little bit of everything in it so its hard to classify, but it is primarily a fantasy/science-fiction story with a bit of humor, romance and drama thrown in.

What is OEAI about? 2
OEAI is about a group called the Entities. It begins with a few ordinary humans discovering that they are actually the reincarnations of one of the powerful Ancient Races. Now they have to find their new place in the universe and rediscover their past.

What are the Entities? 4
The Entities are one of the last Ancient Races of the Multiverse. They are one of the four that managed to breach the Chaos Fabric that separates the universes.

How many Entities are there? 5
Too many, according to many of their enemies. The pictures below of the Entites that appear in Part One: Destiny (Click the picture to be taken to their profile)

Entity of Time (Raleigh) Entity of Water (Crystal Alethia) The Entities of Fire (Solinde and Sakuya Yugure) The Entity of Wind (Alora Phemia) The Entity of Light (Ellen Marleen)

Are the Entities the only species in OEAI 6
Certainly not!That would be very boring, there are lots of species. Such as the warrior Thorzarians, magical Elfaye and mysterious Vampires. For more info on the species of OEAI, go here.

Are there different planets in OEAI 7
You betcha! Though the three most prominent worlds are that of Artana, Earth and Mars. I’ll assume you know about Earth and Mars so I won’t go much into those. Artana is Earth’s link world, this means that a thin strand of reality connects Earth and Artana between the Chaos Fabric. During Earth’s Ancient times, the Great Chaos Wars took place and shook the boundaries of the Fabric. This caused many things to phase in and out of realities. Atlantis vanished from the Earth’s surface and large hole remained in what is called the Bermuda Triangle that still effects people who go near it. Also, many people caught glimpses of strange things during this time, which caused the legends of Mermaids, Vampires and countless others to spring up.

Do the Entities fight the same villians in every story? 8
Bleh, I dislike repetitive stories like that. Each Part of "OEAI" centers around a particular crisis for the Entities, but there are no long stretches where the good and the bad exchange lame retorts and flail with fists. There are physical fights, but not everything in "OEAI" comes down to a fight, or is solved with violence.

Are there anu OEAI spin-offs? 9

Is OEAI over? 10

What if I have more questions?
You now have the basics, so I think you're ready to roll! But if there's something you really need to know, and you can't seem to find the answer any other way, feel free to e-mail me and I'll try to respond as soon as possible. Have fun!

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