OEAI: An Introduction
The Entity of Shadows: Shadra


New to OEAI? Check out A Beginner's Guide To OEAI!

Using The Website

The Story: This section covers the main storyline of OEAI, it is divided into Part pages and Story pages.

Tales: The major series was so popular shorter stories sprung up dedicated to popular and special characters, diving deeper into the history of the multiverse and the world of Artana.

Character Profiles: Facinating details on every character ever mentioned in the stories. *IN-PROGRESS*

Fun Suff: Things that don't fit anywhere else, plus a Personality Test, find out what Entity you are!

Credit Where Credit Is Due

This site could not exist were it not for the suppot of the fans and behind the scene helpers such as; Wendy Yung and Angela Fowler. It is thanks to their tireless dedication to the story that a site like this is possible.

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