Species of OEAI

When I started creating the OEAI universe, I knew that I wanted to play with more then one species. So besides the typical human, I created sixteen other intelligent species.

Thorzarians - A scaly warrior race. Their society is honor driven and rank is determined by hair length.

Ket Ni - A water loving cult like society with an fondness for rituals and order.

Siarias - An uppity winged bipedal race. Although they have forgotten the secrets of their awesome technology, they revere it.

Elfaye - Earth’s original intelligent species from the single continent of Pangea, their major city Atlantis was shifted into another dimension during the Great Chaos War. Very human in appearance except for their pointed ears and sharp features.

Xeronians - Methane breathing politicians with conquering tendencies.

Celesties - Monster-like creatures that believe in the ultimate destruction of the multiverse.

Entities - A powerful ancient race that has tapped into the primitive secrets of the universe.

Vampires - Quite different from the ‘original vampire’, Dracula. The Vampires are a deeply religious people.

Majikas - Featureless beings that have a bipedal shape covered in stars.

Spiritas - Shape-shifting dream beings employed by the strange creature known only as ‘The Sleep’.

Stone Demons - Their names is self-explanatory. The intelligence of this race resides in the females, while the men are thick-headed brutes.

Martians - Evolved humans that live on the planet Mars. The high content of iron on Mars has turned their skin totally red.

Wood Angels - Their true name is unknown, but they revere planet life. They believe that Quintessence is a Goddess come to lead them to salvation.

Centaurs - Half bipedal, half horse, these long lived beings have a great library of knowledge they have gathered. Many other races seek their council in times of need.

Dragoons - An evolved race of Dragons. These some what noble beings follow a code of ethics that can be unfathomable to many people.

Ziivols - The original form of the Spiritas, they wander worlds in search of fun and games. Once a prosperous race, they spread themselves out across the stars so much that the entire race is nearly extinct.

Humans - You know them, most of the species inhabits the lonely planet Earth.