
The first species to breach the ‘Chaos Fabric’, the Vampire race is among the deadliest species in the Multiverse. They are predators who entice their victims through telepathic control, then bite them with their sharp fangs and suck their blood. Vampires are bipedal with skin that is very pale and smooth. Their eyes are large and are usually a very dark color. They dislike sunlight and will avoid it at all costs. Vampires rarely reproduce and can live for thousands of years, baring accidents. Their culture is organized around their religious beliefs, different sects will worship different Gods and/or Goddesses. It is strange that the Vampires were the first to travel beyond their galaxy when most of their energies tended towards creative thinking and the arts. But perhaps it was this unfettered creative thinking that allowed the Vampire Pandre de Rellias to create “The Gateway”, the means of traveling between universes. Though their society is divided into numerous sects, all Vampires hail to a single leader, the ‘Chosen One’. This ‘Chosen One’ is believed to be a direct channeler between them and the higher powers. There is no persecution between different believers, all of the Gods and Goddesses are believed to be part of the One Power, they just embody various aspects of the One Power.

A notable historian in Ancient History said this about the Vampires “Even after spending so many years among them, I can not truly comprehend the purity of essence they retain. I do not think I could behold an inkling of their life in a thousand lifetimes.” (Shaymu, 5236 A.C)

Though the Vampires still thrive in the Multiverse, they keep to themselves, rarely using their awesome technology to travel the stars. They prefer to remain on their home world searching inward for their Holy Ones.

Important Figures in History:

* Lezriel du Boitellicus

* Pandre de Rellias

* Mikkel du Thellis

* Toratora di Jenthulis

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