Click on each Part for a brief overview of OEAI history. Click on a specific story to read it.

Part One: Destiny
  1. Visions
  2. Alpha
  3. The World of Artana
  4. Fire Warriors
  5. The Elder’s Tale
  6. Dragon Guardians
  7. Blood and War
  8. Aboard the Mathiliies
  9. Princess of the Waves
  10. Water Powers
  11. Return to Earth
  12. Bounty Hunters
  13. Odd-balls
  14. Yellow Star
  15. Reunions
  16. Angel Wings
  17. True Pain
  18. Omega
  19. Epilogue

Raleigh Staride

Part Two: Chasing Angels
  1. Memory’s Curse
  2. Hidden Shadows
  3. Pawn to Knight
  4. Recovering the Key
  5. Secrets of the Cathedral
  6. Raleigh
  7. Conflict of the Demons
  8. Potassium Is Good For You
  9. The Hermit
  10. Old Friends
  11. The Green Entity
  12. Book of the Ancients
  13. Truth
  14. The Enchanters
  15. The White Wish
  16. Poison of the Mind
  17. True Agendas
  18. Traitor
  19. Run, Alora, Run!
  20. Escape from Hell
  21. Showdown
  22. New

Crystal Alethia

Part Three: Reign of the Ancients
  1. Three Years Later
  2. Heart-to-Heart
  3. Prelude to Darkness: Part One: Message from the Key
  4. Prelude to Darkness: Part Two: The Golden Sky Palace
  5. Prelude to Darkness: Part Three: Amecil
  6. Revelation of Love
  7. Void
  8. Julian’s Prophecy
  9. Black, Black Heart
  10. Visitor in a Nightmare
  11. Child of the Skies
  12. Crystal’s Torment
  13. The Plan
  14. Chaos
  15. Change
  16. Attack!
  17. Emotion
  18. Training
  19. Call for Quin
  20. Is This Love?
  21. Birth
  22. Light and Darkness
  23. Choices

Ellen Marleen

Part Four: Signs of the Zodiac
  1. Hidden Heros
  2. Life after Death
  3. Families
  4. Dark Desires
  5. A Rebel Prince
  6. A Special Child
  7. First Kiss
  8. New Chapter
  9. Zelanite and the Followers
  10. The Twelve Gates
  11. Zodiac Tests: The Maze of Aries
  12. Zodiac Tests: The Riddle of Taurus
  13. Zodiac Tests: The Duel of Gemini
  14. Zodiac Tests: The Game of Cancer
  15. Zodiac Tests: The Battle of Leo
  16. Zodiac Tests: The Riddle of Virgo
  17. Zodiac Tests: The Decision of Libra
  18. Zodiac Tests: The Taming of Scorpio
  19. Zodiac Tests: The Art of Sagittarius
  20. Zodiac Tests: The Lament of Capricorn
  21. Zodiac Tests: The Riddle of Aquarius
  22. Zodiac Tests: The Sacrifice of Pisces
  23. Answers
  24. Death to Innocence
  25. Rage of Havar, the Black Angel
  26. Last Scream
  27. Emotional Depth
  28. Forever Lost
  29. Hope

Alora Phemia

Part Five: The Magical Ways
  1. Just Born on Earth
  2. Some Time Later
  3. Flash By
  4. A Town Aroused
  5. New Boy
  6. The Sorceress
  7. A Gateway
  8. Theories
  9. Dream Girl
  10. Never Call Them By Name
  11. Not Human
  12. Mother’s Story
  13. Darkness Returns
  14. Why Sigh in the Night?
  15. Close Call
  16. Feeling At Home
  17. Two Worlds
  18. Normal Duties
  19. Alita
  20. Possibilities
  21. Eternity
  22. Unfinished

Soluya Yugure

Part Six: Final Dawn
  1. Red Angels
  2. No Use For Red
  3. From Beyond
  4. Something Amiss
  5. The K.I.R.A. Project
  6. Strange Ancestors
  7. Aria’s Words
  8. Foolish Mission
  9. The Squad
  10. Mars City 12
  11. Opened Eyes
  12. Tears of Fear
  13. An Offer
  14. Warriors in the Sky
  15. Dusty Books
  16. Family History
  17. Xeronian Control
  18. What Lies Have Been Told?
  19. Cure
  20. Technology
  21. Heavenly Beings
  22. Alliance
  23. Julian’s Legacy

Alex Damien

Part Seven: The Chaos War
  1. Ancient Times
  2. Next Episode Coming Soon!

Vera Jolea

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