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Helpful and Informative Publications Available for Purchase


“Once Upon a Challenge: Hearing is Believing” by Nancy L. Burns

In ONCE UPON A CHALLENGE: HEARING IS BELIEVING Author Nancy Burns uses a splash of humor to lighten some of the tragic circumstances of her blindness. Burns uses her own very real life experiences in order to create a more accurate perception of blindness. (Nancy Burns is the former affiliate president of the National Federation of the Blind in California and now diligently serves the NFB in Albuquerque, NM.) Her book is available now from iUniverse (1-800-AUTHORS), and also through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer.


“Music Literacy: It’s Role in the Education of the Blind” by Sylvia Clark [view the front cover]

A fascinating historical journey tracing the emergence of various musical notation systems for the blind in Europe and the United States

During three years of research, information was obtained from sources in Great Britain, France, and the U.S.  Music education in institutional and public school settings is discussed.  Illustrations show a variety of means by which literary and music materials were presented to the blind in the 19th century and the early 20th century, as well as writing instruments used to produce the symbols.  The role of the American Printing House for the Blind in producing books and music is discussed.  Factors influencing the delay in acceptance of the Braille codes in the U.S. are considered. An interview with Dr. Abraham Nemeth, the creator of the Nemeth Braille Mathematics Code who is also a pianist, was conducted to discuss the role of Braille music in his education in the New York City public schools.  The results of three surveys involving Braille music are detailed.  The surveys concern learning Braille music, teaching Braille music in institutions, and teaching Braille music in the public schools.  Music education of the blind in the public school system is discussed, and the influence of technology is considered. Includes 28 illustrations – A great addition to your library! Price: $25 (US) includes shipping and handling – To order, please write


Braille Music Instruction and Repertoire available from Dancing Dots:


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