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If you are air...

YOU ARE passionate, energetic, and a people person. But your go-go-go personality also needs time to relax.

YOUR BEST FOODS You have a high sex drive and go after aphrodisiac foods, like shellfish, chocolate, and spicy and creamy dishes. But these can overstimulate your hot-blooded nature and leave you ravenous later. Balance them with fruits and vegetables, and satisfy fat cravings with seeds. Try not to eat after 7 p.m. -- it'll keep you going too long into the night and make you hungrier than usual the next day.

YOUR IDEAL WORKOUT You like exercise that engages your body and mind, such as salsa dancing, yoga, or martial arts. Try working out in the evening, since that's when you're most energetic.

YOUR SMARTEST HEALTH MOVE Get enough sleep. You come alive at night and get a lot done after hours, yet you tend to get up early so you don't miss any of the action. Make good-quality sleep more likely by making sure your soom is not too warm.

YOUR BEST CAREER TRACK You enjoy interaction, have excellent communication skills, and like being in a position of authority, so teaching is a great option.

YOUR BEST ENERGIZERS Short-term: Cater to your dominant hot and wet qualities by working up a sweat or taking a quick, hot shower. Long-term: Pamper the opposite quality by drinking cool (not cold) water.


YOUR SEX-LIFE ENERGIZER You have the highest sex drive of all but should let a romantic evening follow its own rhythm rather than trying to make it perfect.