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If you are earth...

YOU ARE the most grounded of all the temperaments, with a creative and intense personality. Under stress, you're susceptible to dramatic mood swings.

YOUR BEST FOODS You crave sugar and carbs every two hours or so, which spikes your blood sugar and dries you out (not great, since your temperament is already cold and dry). When the sugar is gone, you crash and you reach for more -- but the more you indulge, the moodier you get. Even yourself out by eating a big, protein and fat-rich breakfast within an hour of getting up. Snack on a smoothie or an avocado drizzles with salad dressing, and go light on wine and beer, which are energy-draining carbohydrates.

YOUR IDEAL WORKOUT You get bored and need fast, varied workouts, like boxing or aerobics.

YOUR SMARTEST HEALTH MOVE You're very sensitive to weather, so in the fall and winter, when it's cold and dry, keep yourself warm and hydrated. If you can, take a midwinter tropical vacation to rebalance. In the summer, get lots of sun, but not at peak hours.

YOUR BEST CAREER TRACK You are analytical and detail-orientated but also very creative, so work as an artist or scientist suits you well.

YOUR BEST ENERGIZERS Short term: Tune in to your dominant cold and dry charateristic by removing a layer of clothing. Long-term: Complement the opposite characteristic by eating eater-filled fruits and veggies, like melons, berries, tomatoes, and celery.


YOUR SEX-LIFE ENERGIZER Don't be afraid to try new things; you've got the temperament (and athleticism) for imaginative romance.