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If you are fire...

YOU ARE driven and decisive, and you like to get things done. A born leader, you grasp ideas quickly and are resilient to stress but need to beware of burning out.

YOUR BEST FOODS You reach for red meat and salt; foods that help your body make chemicals that keep you from noticing stress. But you get exhausted when the glands that make these chemicals tire. Stay healthy with a small breakfast of fruit and/or bagel or muffin. Limit red meat to three or four times a week and substitute lightly salted nuts for chips, so you pack in protein.

YOUR IDEAL WORKOUT Games like tennis or ultimate Frisbee capitalize on your love of winning and gropu dynamics. Just drink plenty of water -- your hot and dry nature means you dehydrate easily.

YOUR SMARTEST HEALTH MOVE Since you rarely get sick, you tend to ignore warning signals until they blow up into big problems, like high cholesterol or a heart attack. Back off the gas pedal every so often and recharge with eight hours of sleep a night.

YOUR BEST CAREER TRACK With your strong leadership skills, you'd make a great CEO or politician.

YOUR BEST ENERGIZERS Short term: Feed your hot and dry nature by doing something athletic. Long term: Nourish your non-dominant qualities by taking a vacation to a cool part of the world, like Alaska.


YOUR SEX-LIFE ENERGIZER You're excellent at making plans, but add sizzle by letting your partner create a romantic evening and make all the decisions.