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If you are water...

YOU ARE cheerful, reliable, and dedicated to the people and causes important to you. Sometimes, you spread yourself too thin helping others.

YOUR BEST FOODS Your natural cravings are for cool and wet foods, such as sweetened dairy products. But these leave you fatigued and lethargic -- traits your low-energy type doesn't need to exaggerate. Instead, eat regular meals that contain more protein and fat (like eggs and peanut butter), which will keep your sluggish metabolism on a more even keel. Add more vegetables for balance, and try to eat dairy foods only once a day.

YOUR IDEAL WORKOUT Since you're not naturally a high-energy person, pick a workout that's mild and steady, like walking or swimming. Take advantage of mornings -- that's your most active time.

YOUR SMARTEST HEALTH MOVE It's hard for you to say no when someone needs your help, so be wary of taking on more than you can handle -- especially if you're also dealing with headaches or depression (both of which worsen with stress).

YOUR BEST CAREER TRACK Your love of helping people and problem-solving through a group effort make you a great candidate for a social worker or counselor.

YOUR BEST ENERGIZERS Short-term: Complement your cold and wet side with a cool drink or snack of yogurt and fruit. Long-term: Nourish your other characteristics with a session in the sauna or vacation to a dry, sunny spot, like an island or the desert.


YOUR SEX-LIFE ENERGIZER Be assertive about your desires. You're a loyal and devoted partner, but you need recognition and support in return.